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Everything posted by Yellow

  1. ive heard that portuguese it's sounding like romanian:chuckle:

  2. wah lucky you :LOL:!

    i'm from romania:happy:

  3. sadly no ..

    they came in my country just once in 2007 and i werent that much into them then:stunned:

  4. you should

    yes it is ..i mean i relly like it :happy:

  5. watching dr. house :ninja:

  6. :dance: youre welcome

    and how are you:)?

  7. thanks :dance:

    the club of sacred unwashed muse T-shirts:LOL:

    you just made me think :erm: what lyrics or quotes would you put on you shirt :chuckle:?i think i would put smthing from map of your head :awesome:

  8. niiice:LOL:

    by the way:chuckle:it's an new day foor mee and i'm felling good:dance: yey i fell better and i think tomorrow i'll be ok:dance:

    my muse t-shirt has the logo on it :chuckle: some friends did it for my birthday and it was suposed to be a surprise but i actually gave them the photo :erm:I didn't washed it at all since then:facepalm:

    and how are you?:LOL:

  9. finally!my network connection works!thank you God^:)^

    my friend(the one who cry at twilight) has a bag with the twilight characters on it:facepalm:..it is pathteic:chuckle:(..i think she would say the same about my MUSE t-shirt.<-actually no ..shes toooo coward:phu:)

    I am ill :( today i stayed home and did nothing :facepalm:

    i watched with my brother a movie and at some point a kid was jumping of a cliff or smthing like that.my reaction was "hei you crazy kid!":LOL: now i did the sinapsa:chuckle:

  10. i am more upset becouse I saw the movie and I was in direct contact with the idiocy

    i officialy get a cold :facepalm:(yesterday was fine and now its snowing like hell ..i hate winter)

    twilighters are still annoying :facepalm:

    and how are you?:happy:

  11. omg:LOL::LOL:

    when i went to twilight one of my class-mates(female) cried(i dont know at what you can cry when you see that movie but whatever..) and after the film she was like ::( omg omg that edward it is so sexy.

    yeah they definetly ruin ibty. they put the song when bella was going to "see a movie and have a girls' night" i was a little stunned:|


    me:and i like (etc etc) muse..

    someone:MUSE?I LOVE THEM

    me:relly?me too

    s: i know smbh :X twilight YYY EDWAARDDD

    me: :facepalm:(*you go to hell edward..you go to hell and die!:chuckle:*)

    i hate those people ^(they are everywhere :ninja:..like zetas!they fill the skies:LOL:)

  12. yeah im fresh :LOL:

    im very elated :LOL: i went to see new moon with a friend:LOL: and we laughed all the movie :LOL:it were parts like

    jacob :i cant tell you bella what is happening to me.. my boddy:( =>me:he's at puberty:LOL: or bella:edward oh edward you are glittering-> me:edward oh edward your penis is glittering and i heard i belong to you and i started singing:facepalm:. (kristen stewart is acting awful:LOL: she was like horny during the whole movie:LOL: )

    conclusion:the movie was shitty but it also was fun:facepalm::LOL:

    how are you :>?

  13. ok:)

    i was houngy too but now i think im a little drunk :facepalm:some wine(i think some more actually:LOL:) and now im sleepy and im singing paramore :LOL:

  14. it is :LOL:

    im having a relly big problem with bliss :LOL::LOL:

  15. thats exactly what i did too :facepalm:

    but then my obssesed brother showed me assasin so :LOL:

  16. niice :awesome:

    lol :LOL:my brother try to teach my sister to play at guitar hero (shes just 5 ffs:facepalm:)

    and he put her about a girl in slow motion

  17. im a multi-task :ninja:(ok it will be arelly long list...but at some songs i know just parts )

    guitar:exo-politics(part) hysteria city of delusion plug in baby start of assassin(i was to lazy to learn more) pink ego box and screenager and i think there are more

    piano:starlight apocalypse please (the first muse song:LOL:) sunburn in your world felling good exogenesis 3 con-science and resistance oh and butterflies and hurricanes half of the piano solo:awesome: im courently trying to learn the rest but it is hard(matt is a god) and if it count chopin -nocturne E bla bla new born bliss

    JESUS :eek:

  18. on guitar or piano :facepalm:?

  19. i know smells like teen spirit :ninja:

    ive got a classic guitar so imagine how it sounds :facepalm:

    oh!or the hysteria solo on ^ that guitar :LOL:

  20. you just gived me a incredible mental image :LOL::LOL:

    (i looove where did you sleep last night yykes:awesome:)

    trey something easier like come as you are hmm

  21. haha pope:"dear people i heard about fury and i laaaaved it :awesome::LOL:"BLASPHEMY!!!:LOL:

    i had to play two songs :p and the last had 3 pages:facepalm:i knew it perfectly but there were the emotions..i destroyed the final ..i think :LOL:(you know ..my memory..the old age:LOL:kiddin' )

    its not that hard but i do guitar since 4 years ago i think.. so..

  22. omg a friend showed me yesterday that in a newspaper and i was like :eek:

    i looked in my friends eyes with a mad twinkle and said:the pope is an atheist !:LOL:

    (my mom belives in conspiracy theoris .she is coruping me!b i belive in them:p )

    haha i had an exam at guitar and i didnt did very good:facepalm:tipically me. and my teacher said smthing ill never forget:LOL:

    see ..we work months for just 5 minutes:LOL:

  23. ahaaa:LOL:

    its not fair to wait much just for 1 minute i mean i know the felling and its more horrible when you destroy the minute:facepalm:

  24. lucky you :LOL:

    when i will hear dom or chris at radio here hmmm i will be a zeta :ninja::LOL:

  25. i dont know ..im a freaky person :LOL:(everybody is saying that :facepalm:)

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