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Status Updates posted by MissM

  1. That is amazing! If I ever get married, I swear I'll force the poor bastard to be awesome about it. XD No, but really, good taste in music is a requirement. ;) So your parents must be cool! :D

  2. I know right?! They're absolutely fantastic, and yet so few people actually know about them. I have to confess, I did get into them through being a fan of Metallica and especially Rammstein, but their original music is even more amazing than their covers. They just cover so many emotions, it's insane. XD

  3. I wrote my final assignment in music in junior high, and it was about Apocalyptica. Was pretty epic. Mainly because they're such an epic band, but also because I was the only one who presented a band that wasn't mainstream. :D

  4. Please do excuse my sudden exclamation, but:

    Perttu!! :awesome:

  5. Hei! De utklippene jeg har er fra Dagbladet og VG, og de finnes også på nett.

    Her: http://www.dagbladet.no/2009/10/26/kultur/musikk/konsert/konsertanmeldelser/muse/8733291/

    og her: http://www.vg.no/musikk/artikkel.php?artid=575932

    Kerrang får man kjøpt i de fleste Narvesen-butikker, i hvert fall de litt større.


  6. Oh, no problem. ^___^ Hope you have a great week as well. x

  7. Hey! I got it at H&M, in the Devided-section. :) It's the current line as well, so it should be possible to get hold of.

  8. Aw, så koselig gjort av deg. Gratulerer med dagen til deg også! ^_^ Også veldig gøy å snakke med andre norske fans, forresten. :D

  9. Hi! Thanks for the welcoming-message! ^_^ I really appreciated that.

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