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Posts posted by Elise<3sMuse

  1. I had a dream that Matt's hair was made of bacon and I was eating it. :$ DON'T JUUUDGGEEE. :LOL:


    :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

    omnomnom mattsbaconhair :chuckle:




    In my dream... :shifty:



    I found out first hand through my school librarian (?) that Matt & KH were officially over. Such a good dream :chuckle: But I woke up into reality all like :(

    Yeah. I don't like her. :ninja:



  2. I had this nightmare where i was in the mosh pit at a muse concert and all of a sudden this guy grabs me from behind and I start freaking out and yelling for someone to help me, but no one does. Then Matt spots me from onstage and leaps down into the crowd yelling "SAVE THAT GIRL!!! I WANT TO MAKE HER PASTA!!!!" and he's trying to get to me but the crowd is too strong and im dragged away while matt is being trampled. it kind of sucked. :(but it was my first muse dream so i was happy! :happy:



  3. ...Me and Dom posed for the picture my dad was taking of us, then Dom started to like hug me and and a bunch of stuff :shifty: . It was really weird (I'm a guy).






    The other night I dreamt that I MET KIRKY!! :awesome: It was so cool! I got a hug and 2 pictures, though when I looked at the pics later, they were bad quality really zoomed out :erm: And I met him in a queue for this huge blow up slide :LOL: Other Musers were meeting him, too. And my mum was there, as well, and even though she didnt even know who he was, Tom just assumed she was a fan and gave her a hug anyway :LOL:


    When I woke up, I was like *le sigh* Damn. I wish that really happened :(

  4. In my dream, I was at the gig Im actually going to in December. The concert was in this small room, and for some reason only Matt was there. The crowd was small, as well. Dom & Chris were a storey underneath us, performing to tens of thousands of people :erm:

    The sad thing was, though, that Matt was hardly performing at all. The crowd got bored and moved off- because Matt was boring. :supersad: He was just wailing Eternally Missed, and barely doing anything. Everyone got the impression that Muse was reeeeeaaaaalllly boring :'(

    Everyone else was saying...come on , let's go, and Im just sobbing, going :'( "I paid $130 for this!"




    In the dream, I thought it was actually happening. So when I woke up, I thought "ok....Im waking up. Therefore- It was just a dream"


    & 171 more days til the gig :stunned:

  5. I had my first muse dream in ages last night:happy:

    unfortunately not a :eyebrows: dream, but anyway...

    Right, so Muse were about to perform at some festival, and I was sitting alone on a bench at the back of the stage for some reason. Then Matt said "okay, id like to invite up someone on stage here..." and Im like "OOH OHH MEE MEE" flailing my arm around in the air. He looked right at me & said "ok, come on." I was like "YAY!" :awesome:

    So I was armed with a guitar (even though I dont even play guitar) and I was singing as well, though I didnt have mic. But the stage setup was really weird- almost like a cross-section of a house- there was a wall dividing matt & myself, with some stairs to get up to dom & chris :erm:

    And it was also weird playing- like it wasnt some huge rock out session with muse, i felt really uncomfortable the whole time, like i didnt know any lyrics or something. And i didnt even have a clue how to play any of the songs on the guitar- but I managed to play them anyway :p

    And there wasnt a big crowd at all- a few hundred, maybe. But I remember when we played Micro Cuts, everyone went OFF:LOL: even the people up the back, no where near the mosh, were all jumping about, absolutely psycho.

    So after that, when the gig ended, I was desperate to get a pic with the guys. I ran to get my camera, but something sidetracked me... and i didnt get my pic.... then I woke up :fear:


    Naturally, i tried to go back to sleep to finish my dream, but from then on it made no sense whatsoever... muse went away... and then the remainder of my dream was so weird and, yeah. it made no sense. like all my dreams, really

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