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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. Jag vet inte vad jag skulle göra om vi skildes åt:stunned: det skulle bli tråkigt att gå till skolan...:facepalm::LOL:

  2. OMG OMG OMG!!! I assume its the doorposter(orly?:facepalm::LOL:), I luff that pic:awesome::LOL: and its huge:eek:

  3. Yes I do that too..I just ignore him. That way he wont bother to say anything:awesome::LOL:

  4. Naw:happy: :LOL: my bro is still a bitch:LOL:

  5. så ni var blandade innan....vad synd:( vi kommer inte splittras...

  6. :LOL:Im sure your brother is either younger or older than you...my bro is as old as me, so is my sis (we're triplets) and he hasnt matured much mentally:LOL: biggest ego:rolleyes::LOL:

  7. Haha:LOL:Once again..OMG 6 DAYS OMG OMG!!!!:LOL: Haha well fun and fun...they could drive one crazy....thank god I'm sane:LOL:YAAY standing:awesome: Your first time:awesome: You will have a blast:LOL:

  8. I wish I could love him:'( I do...but I sometimes I just want to throw him out of the window:shifty::LOL:

    I adore my sister:kiss::LOL:

  9. :LOL: yes, especially my brother, he's a pain in the ass:LOL:but I always get back at him:yesey:
  10. :LOL: nah I haven't gone crazy:stunned:.......yet:LOL:
  11. :LOL: Well you're lucky..I dont really like my dads side, mainly because dad has a stepmother and shes evil so are her children. But my dads brothers and sisters from his real mom are lovely. I love my moms side:LOL: but today dads evil side are coming:eek::LOL: and they have come from all around the world:noey: :LOL:
  12. Oh lord! Some of my relatives from dads side are visiting us.... They're 15 people...hello disaster:LOL:

  13. Ska ni splittras? :eek: eller menar du över lovet?

  14. Haha thanks:happy: OH LORD 6 DAYS!!:eek: do you have standing or seated tickets? My relatives from dads side are coming today from many parts of the world. I know I wont have much free time:( :LOL:

  15. :LOL: Omg! 8 days:eek: I haven't seen top gear:eek: season 15 is soon:awesome: I changed my name if you haven't noticed:LOL:
  16. Hihi tackk:awesome: Ja...juste...vart tar kreativiteten vägen? FUCKEN SOMMMAARLOOOOV!!!!!!:awesome:

  17. Maa.

    Ja:LOL: Eller det var läänge sedan, men kev är låångsam:LOL:

  18. Yaay:LOL: Im fine how about you? :awesome:

    I can play RATM-killing in the name on paino now:LOL::yesey:

  19. Bytt mitt namn nu..........ser konstigt ut:stunned:


  20. So I just changed username.......it looks wierd:stunned:


  21. Maa.

    Omg jag har ändrat namn....det ser konstigt ut.....................................................:eek:


  22. Maa.

    OMGMGMGM 2 dagaaaaar tills skolan e sluuuuuuuuut:awesome:

  23. okej caps:rolleyes:

  24. Aaaaaaaalllt mothafucker!!:LOL:

  25. Maa.

    jag vill ha dem där plektrumen och armbandet och allt:LOL:

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