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Posts posted by Ali_Y

  1. :eek:


    why scarred?




    the traffic was horrendous and got cut up and had bumped off the M60 and had to take a detour down the M61 to Bolton. Luckily it was only a few miles out of my way.


    Not a confident driver on motorways at the best of times as I live in the back of beyond. So driving into Manchester was a tad traumatic was shaking when I checked in!


    Now however I just have a hangover lovely on the day of the gig!!

  2. 59340_406485372608_504037608_4090558_3315071_n.jpg



    How am I meant to concentrate on packing now???


    *wanders into tart tank muttering inconprehensibly about broad shoulders and chest hair and waving hand in direction of suit case in the hope that she's suddenly aquired some Harry Potter-esque powers and it'll pack itself*


    Don't know how near to the front I'll get but will once more endevour to bring the PCT some Wolstenhot goodness

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