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Posts posted by Coyblythe

  1. I LOVE JACKSON RATHBONE :eyebrows::awesome::awesome:


    and that pic :chuckle:




    I LOVE HIM TOO :awesome: But somehow it's strange to compare him to Chris but with this hair... xD


    And that pic is awesome. Hair-gasm :awesome:


    Gotta go now girls... shopping. I've heard a market here got Band T-shirts for sale. Someone on the german thread brought a (veryyyy big) Muse-Shirt for 4€ so I hope they also sell smaller shirts for that price too :happy:


    + wearing my new Muse-shirt today = awesome :D

  2. Hi!


    I'm on m dad's laptop so I can't participate in the picspam like I should but...



    here's tuzla if you're inetersted...





    That's nice I love how the trees and meadows are everywhere although there are so many multi-storey buildings :awesome:


    Do you know if there was a river at some time? This one street and it's course looks like that. We also got a city here where they build a street right where the river has been :/



  3. That's beautiful! :eek:


    My city is in a desert so it' meh. A small pic here:







    What kind of desert do you live in,Melanie? :awesome:

    I'm really fascinated by those egyptian deserts with pyramids and stuff but I guess that's not where you're living? :LOL:


    What time is it now in America?


    My city :D






    Omg now I know why I always loved the landscape of switzerland ♥

    When we traveled to Italy with school our bus crossed your country and I was really impressed how "clean" it was. You know.... in germany you'll find rotten branches at the roadside and as soon as we got into Switzerland the nature was so clean. No rubbish on the ground and now branches at the bottom of the trees :awesome:

  4. Wow girls... You're not posting all day (for me) and as soon as I'm asleep you start posting like there's no tomorrow :D

    Good Morning :kiss:


    I wouldn't be so sure about that. :shifty:


    I have never read NME,they don't sell it here. What it's like? :supersad:


    I wore a Muse t-shirt to school when Resistance came out. And I felt like such a dork. :facepalm:


    Goodnight,Bianca. :kiss:

    Yeahh you're right PMT is quite hot too :happy: I'm reading at as well as the PCT. But i prefer posting here because we've got a more familiar vibe here and the PMT is so crowded :LOL:


    anyway... Hope it works.


    OMG you're awesome :D


    I've seen that you were talking about where you're all living?

    So here's my village:




    On the first picture u can nearly see our house :D The whole village lays on a hillslide and... they say that we've got the "cleanest air of whole germany" and that it's a climatic spa

    ... I wonder how they found out because it really stinks here with all those farmers :rolleyes:



  5. But it's so warm and cosy there. :supersad:


    Pretty good actually. Spent the day with my parents sunbathing and just doing nothing. :happy: Also finally read Peer Gynt. I very much enjoyed the middle but the end of it was...just. :stunned:


    Of course it's warm and cosy over there because..there can only be ONE thread super-hawwt and that's PCT :cool:


    I also spent the day doing nothing but I was sitting on my bed not in the sun... reading NME Special :awesome:


    And tomorrow I'll go shopping... wearing my new Museshirt (uploaded a pic in my gallery) and... that's the best thing about tomorrow:happy:



    But now I'll go to sleep. Musey dreams for you Marta :kiss:



  6. I feel like I'm the only one who's not scared of dentists. I had dental surgery when I was 8, to get four teeth removed, and got my braces on 2 months later. I was asleep that time though. Next time I had to get stitches in my gums and they had to cut tissue in my upper mouth and move it up more, but I was awake. That one hurt so bad . But ya, no scared of dentists anymore


    Awwww, that's so sweet


    Nice gif


    Oh noo I can't sleep now with you horror stories stuck in my head :eek: :supersad:Never ever do this again I really don't like dentists :chuckle:

    Oh and yes I love that gif too *_* I wish I'd be able to make gifs too :stunned:


    You really think Matt is going to a dentist? :p



    How can you know he's not your kind of guy? Maybe he is.




    Just watched Casablanca. Humphrey Bogart

    Oh my gawwwd Marta you just made me laugh so hard because of your Matt-comment :LOL::D

    Well maybe... he does not like dentists either :chuckle:


    Well it was his whole appearence that screamed "Noo it'll never work" :LOL: He brought whiskey and I think even cigarettes and somehow I'm 100% sure that I would never be able to love him xD


    It's so different with that other (brown-eyed) guy :happy: One look into my eyes and he totally got me. Erm how to explain... well: If I'd be male I'd become gay for him to put it that way :chuckle:


    I'm so much hoping that I'll get the chance to tell him that he has beautiful eyes. He just can't die a happy man without me having told him that :chuckle:


    Oh and don't kill me but.... I don't know Casablanca :$




    Oh and I have to go again it's already 23:30pm and I'm really tired ... see you all tomorrow :kiss:

  7. Hello Bianca! :happy:


    I'm doing alright. Just went to the dentist, my wisdom teeth have to come out on the 16th :indiff:


    How are you?



    Hey Melanie :awesome:


    Oh noo dentists qq I'm soooo scared of them :eek:

    Last time I'd been there (not that long ago) I tried to keep myself down with the thought that Matt, Chris& Dom are also going to the dentists and they are still alive :chuckle:


    I'm doing sooo good atm. guess I felt in love with a guy who brought stuff in the shop where I am the cashier.


    And today (also at work) another guy said to me : "Oh and erm.... you're pretty! :)" And I was like... "Oh... thank youuuuu :$:happy:"

    Unfortunately he's not the kind of guy I'd like (although he wasn't bad-looking at all)



  8. Naaah,Frodo was too girly.

    But still....:happy: I loved his eyes xD


    He looked like a barby's ken with hangover.



    As a German student I'm very interested...but we can continue this conversation on another day (I hate Faus 2 as well but love Urfaust )

    I just had an exam of middle high german..it was...let's say interesting but I passed

    Fuck :facepalm: I'm always forgetting that you're studying german :LOL:

    I haven't read Urfaust yet ,I only have this Reclam version we read at school :/

    Guess what I've read tonight? Faust! XD I opened the book randomly and found out that I know it by heart :chuckle:

    There will be a Goethe movie here in germany in october. Maybe it will be shown in your country too? :happy:

    Here's the trailer:



    We'll have to read Faust in school this year. And now I'm really scared. Is it really that bad?

    The first part is beyond genius. Every word and every verse looks so perfect and pure and...idk guess I'm in love with Goethe :$

    Are you reading original german or a translated version?



    Hmmm...when i mentioned True Blood i got no response. Now we are all suddenly talking about Goethe.

    I'm sorry :( It's jsut that I didn't know True Blood at all so ... what to response? :chuckle:



    so who was more of a sissy...eomer or legolas??


    aragorn was the most dirty...so i guess that makes sense


    I'd say Legolass. He was too skinny. I like guys with meat on their bones. Like Chris.


    Exactly. You can't run around being so perfectly clean like Legolass was. It's just not natural.


    Don't pic on Legolas :supersad:

    But you're right about Aragorn :awesome:


    Good Morning girls :kiss:

    Chris looks so hawwwt here <3




  9. It was the same with A Clockwork Orange. I couldn't get past the 3rd page because I didn't understand what he was saying :erm:


    That sucks :chuckle: I know what you mean. You're really trying to understand what's going on but u simply don't. I've got sth similar with the Second part of 'Faust' from Goehte. It's worse . really. I'm saying this as someone who will study German literature. So trust me. You better should. NEVER read the 2nd part (as if u ever thought of xDD). The first part is genius so read that instead :LOL:


    (Oh and Goethe was mentally ill, drunk, had hundreds of women when he wrote the 2nd.... so guess it can be lead back to that :LOL:)


    Haven't read them :$

    At the moment I'm reading 1984 :facepalm::LOL: and the next book will be The Legend of Sigurd & Gudrun by Tolkien :chuckle:

    1984 is great :awesome:


    Sigurd & Gudrun :happy: Reminds me of one of the next books I'm gonna read : The Song of the Nibelungs. I want to read the really really really original in middle high german version :awesome:


    Okay I'm definately talking about things no one's interested in so I'm going to sleep now :chuckle:


    Sleep well Kalyia& Melanie :kiss:


    EDIT: forgot the pic :chuckle:



  10. :eek:


    No 100 times is exaggerated of course :D I just wanted to say that I've read it over and over again :D




    Haha yes I know of course :chuckle: But still... since it was a challenge to finish the red book ONCE it's unthinkable for me to read it over and over again :LOL:


    But a few weeks ago I felt the desire to read it again. I mean.... it really IS a brilliant book.

    I had the same problems when reading the Narnia chronicles and still I fuckin love it :happy:

  11. I'm sorry, I'm a massive Tolkien fan :D I think I've read LOTR about 100 times :LOL:

    But I would still say that Eomer is the best looking guy in the movie :D



    Oh Wow! 100 times? respect! :eek:


    I read 50 pages of the first book (not The Hobbit) and quit because I was bored. I know.


    I know what you mean... it took me incredibly long to read the books and I was happy when I finished them in the end :chuckle:

    It's hard to read at times because Tolkien is rambling very often. There's a slogan for writers and it is : "Show, don't tell". Guess Tolkien haven't got the point but still... he managed to write those awesome books :awesome:


    This story is just too beautiful to be ruined by his vice to babble :)

  12. I always thought Pippin was kinda cute :$


    He is! :happy: I nearly cried when he sat there in the hall while Denethor was eating and he sung Steward of Gondor so desperate qq


    He is cute but not as cute as Merry :D

    We're talking characters here not actors, right? :D


    Merry's cute too <3 And Frodo too these hobbits are all so sweet as long as you ignore their wooly feets :chuckle:


    And I don't know but guess we're talking more about the films/actors than the book although I wouldn't mind otherwise cuz I've also read the books :LOL:





    He does look better without them....but still :awesome:

    Agreed :awesome: The problem about the sunglasses is that it hides his beautiful eyes :(




    :awesome: LotR rocks!

    Especially Aragorn. :stongue:

    I'm having True Blood movie night. After that omg-so-hot sex scene I saw yesterday I must watch the next episodes. :chuckle:


    With sunglasses but not the ones he's wearing. :p

    Aragornnnnnnn <333 OMG this guy is just...

    Unfortunately I haven't seen a movie today... So guess I'll gonna watch it tomorrow then :happy:



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