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Posts posted by fuesch

  1. Sexy plaaaane! Shame I can't do these live (though on the other hand it's nice to have normal bedtimes).

    That stage is a bit dick-shaped, hahaha.

    Holy shit, a new B-side?! Pray sounds pretty.

    WTF were they thinking smooshing all the good stuff into a medley?! And right before KoC - brutal! That would be 15 minutes of nonstop action for me. x_x


    4 hours ago, That Little Animal said:

    And stale old KoC at the end? With or without harmonica? 

    Hey, no insulting KoC! It's the funnest live song ever with 2 minutes of jumping at the end. ❤️

    • Like 1
  2. On 2/22/2019 at 1:50 AM, Jobby said:

    Aw that’s shite man. Is there no one online you could tag along with either? Sucks to miss out ‘cos of that :(

    I'm friends with some international Musers, but no Germans. But at least my sister should come back from Australia next year, so I'll have my best gig buddy back.

  3. I actually believe this kind of theory. If songs like NSC, US, Supremacy, Explorers, Psycho, Mercy, and The Globalist were released in early years, then there are no much hate on these songs.


    Esspecially Mercy-Starlight comparison. If Mercy came first, someone can say Starlight has the lazy bass, lazy drumming, and cheesy lyrics compare to Mercy, And Mercy is heavier too. Not to mention Starlight doesn't have outro guitar lol.


    But no to Dig Down. There's a big difference between DD and Madness.


    I think the dislike of certain songs is intensified by the accumulation of these songs. I can't speak for others, but the more bad songs we get, the more frustrated (and even distressed*) I get.


    * Probably because the early stuff helped me with my issues and now that the "music medication" doesn't work anymore I'm wondering what's the fucking point in even still taking it.

  4. Ah the Cologne show in Germany. Yeah I remember that but low quality cell phone videos can tend to sound beefier than good quality audio.




    Hell Supremacy was such a disappointment after that show. Went from sounding heavy as fuck to super thin overdrive on the album. Got the same treatment Unnatural Selection got.


    I don't think it has anything to do with recording devices. They actually played it that beefy, I still remember that the vibrations made the tip of my nose itch. That bass was too much for my otherwise quite good camera to handle.



    Edit: Okay that sounds weird, I should probably clear up that "it has nothing to do with recording devices, but it doesn't sound as bassy on my video". My camera really was overwhelmed by the bass.

    , as soon as the really low sounds start, the volume drops.
  5. Because otherwise it would have been an on going, futile war between us and them, like what unfortunately happened with Linkin Park's last album.


    I'm thinking that the sooner you explain a problem, the un-harsher it comes out and the more sympathy you get. Meaning, it wouldn't turn into a war.

  6. This is something I've come to really internalize in the past years especially as I remember my main passion for music started as a participant rather than a listener. I like the creation of art and I like seeing people enjoy creating their own even if it's not for me. Just more people having fun making things I consider a positive.


    I've come to have a hard time calling something truly terrible unless I'm shitposting or something. I try to word it as something just "not working for me" or being constructive on things I think could be improved upon. If someone did put their heart into something I find it hard to just go and hate it. I do keep imagining I wouldn't like being on the receiving end of that.


    Maybe it's too optimistic, but it's been working fine for me. I have no intention of becoming a critic.


    Goddammit, that's sweet and I hate you. Not really, just a tiny a bit. You're trying to take my grumpiness away from me, when I think my feeing is justified. I mean, Matt could have just said how he feels earlier! Like, Matt, don't get bitchy with me - how was I supposed sympathize, when you don't let us know your feelings?!

  7. Also, in an interview Matt said:


    “If you spend a few hours watching American news, well, that’s were the first part of the song came from really. It’s kinda like some strange bubble where they’re all living up Trump’s bum, basically … It gets inside your mind. I think that’s where the song came from really. You start walking round worrying about things that you wouldn’t normally think about and so the song came from that. How other people’s ideas can kinda take over your own if you’re not careful.”


    Oh, so that's why "final solution" isn't mention with the appropriate seriousness :facepalm:. And I still wouldn't put it past Trump to do something like that. After all he's showing clear dictatorial tendencies and praised Duterte for killing drug users.


    In one way I understand what Matt means, generally life with its chores and whatnot goes on, and a different administration doesn't make that much of a difference. On the other hand it's ignorant as hell. Just because something doesn't affect you, doesn't mean that nobody is affected, dammit! Now how do we help Matt get his head out of his ass?



    'Algorithm' sounds interesting from Matt's description


    I know, right?! But I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up, just in case.

  8. I don't get any queen-wannabe vibe from this one. The millennial chants sound like a dime a dozen, but not like queen-style harmonies this time.


    It's not harmonies or chanting. Unfortunately I'm too musically illiterate to describe what exactly I mean. There's something in the sound that I associate with Queen, but maybe it's just something generally 80s. Something Muse has started employing from The Resistance on.



    I'm interested that the 'bitten by' parts seem to be so popular. I think that part is what turned me off the most. It's so repetitive and such an annoying lyric.


    I liked it the first time I heard it, but then he sang it over and over again and I became annoyed.

  9. Although I listened to the song on YouTube, I couldn't be bothered to pay attention to the video. Actually not even the audio was worth my attention. I still don't like this sort of Queen-wannabe style. The song is so repetetive, doesn't go anywhere, feels pointless and forgettable. *sigh*





    He had the opportunity to explain the "Final Solution" line.


    He didn't.


    What are the chances he didn't even know what he wrote there?

    Wow, that interview made me grumpy. I can't believed Matt replaced the theremin. What a shame. And the verse was heavier!

    He has weird ideas of what makes songs great and no idea about what fans like.

    "If anything, what we're going to wind up with here is an album where all the songs are going to be better." and "I think it'll be our greatest album in terms of the quality of individual songs."


    And regarding gigs: Can't they just be all about the music like they used to?!

  10. I'm already having a bad day, so now I'm too scared to listen to the song.



    yes the past 7 years+ have been a prank






    I should print that out and put it next to my monitor. Denial has served me well for Sherlock, so it'll probably work in regoard to Muse as well.

  11. Yeah, I thought we'd get to hear a snippet and I actually got a bit excited, but then it turned out to be just gif! :facepalm:


    That forked lightning coming from the figure makes me wonder if the lyrics aren't about contagion as in person to person, but more of broadcast from one person to many. Which just makes me think of current US politics even more. Have they said if the song is about this (my memory is terrible)?

  12. Keep trying between now and the gig, I remember randomly checking for tickets for the Exeter gig in 2015 the day before and somehow managed to get 2.


    I wish I could keep trying until that shortly before the gig. But then I probably won't get (cheap) flights or accommodation anymore.

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