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Posts posted by hyperactivesteph

  1. I don't wanna end up like last year, my grades were disasterous. :noey: /schoolrambleover


    I think Tiia would go bonkers if this happened :chuckle:





    I need a little help. I'm planning to buy a T-shirt and a hoody on Saturday, but I can't decide which one. I'm struggling between these:

    T-shirts: butterflies or song titles

    Hoodies: black or blue

    What do you think?



    Tshirt = definatly the butterflies one! :happy:

    And as for the hoodie the black one is much nicer :happy:


  2. clouded over didnt it tho, nice and steammy in the crowd :LOL: i needed to move to a little less crowded so i could breath fresh air.


    Yah it was rather cramped tbh... :erm:

    When i lifted up my arm i could feel the cold air it was lovely!


    I love everybody's reactions :LOL:


    I want to see that too :stunned:

    I like Matt's recent on stage behaviour :shifty:


    Dom is probably used to stuff like that :cbuckle:


    You should :awesome:


    :chuckle: Snap it's rather amusing!

    I think it was during TIRO or Hysteria at some point....

    I will try find it for you.

    Me too it's rather good :eyebrows:


    :chuckle: Probably!


    Fuck you! :'( And him! He won't! :'(


    Aww i am sure he will *hugs*





  3. Welcome back! :kiss: Are you okay now? :supersad:


    WHAT ON EARTH?? :eek::eek:




    Fuuuuu-! I'm so excited about next week that I can't focus on anything else! :'(


    Dom got hot and sweaty and attacked by confetti so matt unzipped him to help him out :eyebrows:


    :chuckle: I was the same now i am bummed out that's it's over and i don't know when i am seeing them next :supersad:



  4. :$




    We'll see about that :chuckle:

    Naked back :stunned:




    :chuckle: Matt seems to be acting crazy recently so you may get something intresting! He shaked his arse during on song loads i was rather mesmerised!

    And then he threw this amp on the floor and then threw his glitter guitar on the floor too he just went nuts last night.... And of course he stripped dom :eyebrows:


    I wanna touch the naked back so bad :stunned:


    I also had a few dreams of Dom last night :erm:... They were errr intresting :chuckle: Nothing sexual. Just strange and intresting.



  5. poor girl :erm:


    I'd never get a seated ticket at a Muse gig :noey:

    Of course I like your pics :stunned: I hope Dom wears that next week too :stunned:


    gonna have a look on your FB :shifty:




    I know i feel horribly sorry for her...


    I had one once but that was my first ever muse gig and tbh i didn't know what to expect and i noticed the crowd went nuts and that was an understatement and i was like :supersad: I wanna be down there. And i am glad i could stand for this gig was amazing!


    Haha thought you may ;)

    I am sure he probably will :p. And if Matt unzips him again take a photo for me haha :p


    Haha be warned a load of them are shit tbh... I am rubbish at photo taking and my camera is useless... It's like 10 years old :erm:

  6. Glad you had a great time! :awesome:


    I wanna see his bare back too :stunned:

    looks and sounded like it :LOL: Want a vid of Matt unzipping the wetsuit :shifty:




    Yah it was flipping immense! This girl behind us sorta fainted unfortuantly so she had to go :erm:....

    She sorta banged into Jake's back with her head and just collapsed...

    This girl lost her shoe in a mosh pit near me and she ended up in clutches.

    I was one person away from the mosh pit at one point but by god I loved it haha :chuckle:


    If i had a seating ticket i would trade it for a standing a million times i loved it! :chuckle:

    Even if i did get burnt!


    I wanna see it too :eek:

    Can't believe i missed it :supersad:


    :chuckle: Do you like them?

    They are the only few decent ones i got that and some of matt :chuckle:

    All of them are on my facebook page :happy:




    Another one and my last one before i kill the place :chuckle:

  7. For some reason I assumed that we'd be driving up to london on friday evening, but I've just found out that we're not leaving 'til saturday morning :erm: I'm tempted to catch the train to London on my own.....


    Apparently Dom is wearing his wetsuit again :eek:




    Oh yes he was!!!! It was amazing!!! I took a ton of photos of his arse when UD was played :chuckle:


    I will post some later... :shifty:

    We got Citizen, B&H and TAB!!! :awesome:

    And Dom got attacked by confetti and Matt unzipped dom's wetsuit!! My BF and his dad saw his bare back IN THE FLESH!!! And i missed it :supersad: I couldn't see it!


    stolen from the gig thread :shifty:








    I was there!!! I have tons of photos!!! :dance: I was really close too!

  8. Hi sorry i havn't been here much....

    Working full time takes its toll :rolleyes:

    So sleepy recently!


    Anyway muse in 3 days! :awesome:


    Congrats to you then! :p arty:. Time of celebration :awes ome:.

    Job? And what do you do then, if I can ask?.


    Hope so, but most likely he threw it away to the trash .


    Thank you!

    I made a huge celebration i went shopping on Saturday i sepnt so much money on new stuff it was amazing haha!


    And i am a admin assistant. Beasically bottem end job but i am hoping to work my way up to the top :happy:


    I am sure he didn't throw it away... He maybe sleeping with it instead ;)


    im seeing muse in 3 days time :dance:


    ME TOO!!!!! CAN'T WAITTTTT!!! :awesome:


    Haven't seen the link but on the German show they said that they filmed it themselves and now people and police are trying to find out who she is. Apparently there is a whole facebook group thing going already to get her. :erm:

    I think whoever filmed that didn't care about the puppies either :'(

    They whined so much :'( And last week they already showed a woman who put a cat into the garbage that wanted to cuddle with her, it wasn't even hers :(



    I havn't heard about that puppie story till now... And i feel sick. Who ever did that needs to be thrown off the bridge and drowned herself the sick woman!!! And i am very glad i didn't see the puppies or anything i would have been haunted and cried so much...


    And i heard about that cat... Poor cat... All it wanted was a nice stroke!!! The nasty woman! How would she like it if she wanted attention and she got thrown in the bin?! Some people out there are just sick. This is why i never watch the news too depressing for me i just end up in tears...



    But this is Muse messageboards not Muse Wags.


    Quoted for the truth. :yesey:

    I agree with that too much for words.

    And i thought they weren't allowed anyway because it's a member of the band's girlfriend which i thought wasn't allowed to be posted on here? :erm: Unless they are together of course... But either way i don't like to see MuseWags.



  9. Wrap it with a scarf :happy: and put Icy Hot on it, or whatever you have there :chuckle:

    I'm fine thanks, I found out I like Alex Turner so...:rolleyes:

    It's great that it took you so little to get around well, and you showed your boss you're good :yesey:



    Haha i may do that actually. May work! Didn't think of that. And i don't know what stuff it is here but i will find something.

    Haha i don't even know who he is haha!

    Yup tis very good! :) Hopefully i will get this job perminatly i need to show i am good for 3 whole months then i am there perminatly! :)


    Yes but they are so awesome that I want them at Wembley too :supersad:


    Maybe in half an hour I'll get one from Ebay :shifty:


    That's good :happy: I guess the tiredness will go away soon.




    I wish i could go Wembley :supersad:


    Hopefully you will get one :)


    I am sure it will go soon :happy:

  10. Lucky :supersad:. <3.


    Awww :$. I was busy with making this scrapbook for Matt...and also, there's still loads of things to do with it *sighs*.

    How have you been? Anything new happened? :).


    :happy:. Polish photo again :happy:. Best is that Dom after the gig took my teddy bear that my friend threw him at the stage - I wasn't feeling good, so I had to sit down in the back then, so she threw it - and yep, he took it :party:. Wondering if he laughed at leopard printed shirt of this teddy <3.


    Aww i am sure it will get done soon :happy:

    And i have been great! :)

    Well i got my results from college basically i got 3 A's but they are actually merits which are equivilent to A's and A levels.... Then i got my first ever job and it's great haha. :). That's about it really!


    Awww! Glad he took it :). He probably did laugh at the leo print haha!





  11. I want to see them too :supersad:


    It's not that easy :LOL:


    I hope you like your new job! :happy:


    Well, we asked him about the skinnies and he didn't know either and now Matt wears all the colourful stuff ;)


    I have different views of it :eyebrows:



    :( Havn't you already seen them?


    And try Ebay? =/


    Yup i love it haha! Part from the tiredness after the day is done but i will get used to it.


    Matt stole his style. :phu:





  12. Well said :yesey:

    Hey, how are you? Is your new job good?





    I am great just hurting my neck hurts for some strange reason :wtf:... But i got piad today so it's all good :) You?


    And yah my job is great such lovely people! :happy:... Apperently i am working much better then what my boss was expecting.... She thought it would take me AGES to get around their own database and filing system and other things but well i learned quick and i basically know everything already i need to know which rather shocked me :stunned:... I thought it was going to take ages for me to learn everything but it's only been like 4 or 5 days and i know pretty much everything i need to know lol! But it's good. I actually like my job :chuckle:





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