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Status Updates posted by Lanie

  1. :D :D :D Ahhh wow super und wie wars? Ich gucke gerade Volbeat bei Rock am Ring... von Muse gibts ja leider kein Live Stream :( Aber daf soll es morgen auf MTV kommen... da freue ich mich schon drauf.
  2. Huhu,

    ja das hoffe ich doch, dass wir uns da treffen :D Das war echt cool nach dem Konzert in Köln... nur schade, dass wir die Band nicht mehr getroffen haben... aber naja.

    Ich hab noch keinen Flug und auch kein Hostel, aber ich guck immer nach günstigen Flügen und ein Mädchen dass ich letztes Jahr in Berlin kennengelernt hab, hat ein tolles Hostel gefunden.

    Wo wohnt ihr denn, also in welchem Hostel?


  3. Hey,

    auch hier ein dickes sorry. Ich hatte mich schon ewig nicht mehr angemeldet und daher auch die Nachrichten nicht gelesen :$ Aber ich freue mich, dass Du & auch gatita an mich gedacht habt :)

    Ich bin auch in London dabei und freue mich riesig drauf. Für welchen Termin hast Du denn schon eine Karte? Gehst Du bis jetzt Freitag oder Samstag?


  4. Hey,

    oh man, da kommt meine Antwort ja echt spät. Sorry, aber ich war hier schon super lange nicht mehr online. Ich hab zwar hin und wieder mal ins messageboard geguckt, aber hatte mich schon lange nicht mehr angemeldet. Deswegen hab auch gerade erst deine Nachricht gelesen. Wie geht's Dir denn so? Durch die Uni hab ich immer ziemlich lange Tage, komme oft erst spät nach hause und bin dann gar nicht mehr so oft dazu gekommen mich über die muse news zu informieren. Aber ich bin auch in London dabei und freue mich schon riesig drauf. Du doch auch, oder?

    LG :)

  5. Ich weiß noch nicht wies dann zu der Zeit bei mir mit der Uni aussehen wird, aber ich hoffe dass ich weder kurz vorher noch kurz hinterher irgendwelche Klausuren schreiben muss. Ich habe für Freitag auch noch eine Karte bekommen und wenn alles so klappt wie ich es mir wünsche würde ich am liebsten schon donnerstags den Flug hin und dann montags wieder zurück nehmen. Will ja zumindest noch einen Tag in London so genießen (shoppen und so ;) )

    Ein Hostel/ Hotel habe ich noch nicht. Ich werde mal gucken was die anderen im Forum meinen. Mir wäre ja eine Jugendherbeger (also ein Hostel) am liebsten. Die sind günstig und die soll man früh genug buchen weil die oft voll sind... aber da wir ja noch fast 10 Monate Zeit haben sollte das wohl kein Problem werden.


    Ich glaube dass keiner Fotos gemacht hat, aber ein Mädchen hat das wohl gefilmt. Hab ich zwar nicht mitbekommen, aber sie hatte das schon in dem Deutschland Thread gepostet. Richtig, einige der Securities hatten recht und alle die meinten sie wüssten nicht wo die Band die Arena verlässt haben ganz dreist gelogen :mad: Die meisten der Roadies sind nämlich da wo wir dann nachher gewartet haben schön am Tour Bus vorbei und haben ihre Koffer geholt. Die wussten das also wohl. Naja, wie schon gesagt sind wir beim nächsten Mal schlauer ;) Aber die Mädels in Zürich beneide ich. Aber man soll sich ja immer neue Ziele setzen. Spätestens in Wembley bekommen wir dann noch mal unsere Chance :D;)

  6. Jaaa, ich habe auch Tickets. Gestern direkt gekauft :D Ich freue mich so. Hast Du auch welche? Fänd das echt cool wenn wir uns da alle dann treffen. Dann gibts ne große Muse Party und vielleicht haben wir ja Glück und Treffen die Band dann da ;) Das wird bestimmt super. Ich bin eh ein London Fan und dass dann verbunden mit einem Muse Konzert im Wembley Stadium = :awesome:


    Also Dom und Matt haben wir nicht gesehen, aber Chris hat nicht mal rübergeguckt und er sah irgendwie nicht so gut gelaunt aus. Fand das schon fast ein bißchen arrogant. Und gemein war auch, als wir dann von dem Security Typen weggeschickt wurden. Wir waren sooo nah dran. Ich versuche nicht darüber nachzudenken wie es wohl gewesen wäre, wenn wir noch auf Matt und Dom hätten warten dürfen :'( Oder noch besser: Chris zu uns rausgekommen mit uns gequatscht und zusammen mit uns auf die beiden gewartet hätte. Vor allem weil da nicht mehr als 10 Leute standen. Naja... jetzt überwiegt auf jeden Fall die Vorfreude auf Wembley :D

  7. Huhu! Hey, ja wir haben den Bus noch gefunden :awesome: Aber erst nachdem ein netter Roadie, der wohl eins der Mädchen ganz toll fand dass mit uns zusammen gewartet hat, uns verraten hat, dass die Jungs noch da sind und wir in eine Art "Tunnel" müssen. Wir dann natürlich sofort los und weißt Du wo wir hin mussten? Genau da wo wir vorher die Holländer gefragt haben ob sie auch auf Muse warten. Da in das Parkhaus mussten wir rein. Und dann nachher links. Und da stand dann der ominöse schwarze Four Seasons Bus ;) Wir haben auch Chris gesehen, er hat uns aber keines Blickes gewürdigt um es mal überspitzt zu formulieren oder um es optimistischer zu sagen er hat uns nicht gesehen :LOL: das wirkte schon so ein bißchen arrogant. Und dann wurden wir von einem Security Typen, nachdem der kurz mit Chris gesprochen hat... gebeten zu gehen. Und dann bin ich irgendwann auch gegangen. Echt schade, aber zumindest wissen wir jetzt fürs nächste Konzert wo der geheime Hinterausgang ist ;) und das Konzert war auch super :awesome: Seid Ihr denn noch soweit gut nach Hause gekommen?

  8. Ahh yeah, if it hadn't been film I would have done something music related. But you're right it's really tough to get into. You have to be so good at playing an instrument for instance. The universities only take the best. Oh god I think I'd be so nervous if I had to audition or something like that. Very scary. I'd probably make one mistake after another :(


    But it's great that you still can decide what exactly you want to do. Though what you told me does sound interesting. Do you need to be good at maths for the administration position? I find it so difficult to choose the right job. I mean find something that you want to do for the rest of your life. That's tough isn't it?


    Well, the snippets thingy wasn't easy especially because the new album was released almost a week before my birthday and when it was delivered the album lay there on the table, I could hold it in my hands but I couln't open or listen to it because it was supposed to be a birthday present. But then on the day of my birthday the first thing I did was listening to the cd. Ahh what great moment :awesome:


    Oh and I'm going to see Muse tomorrow... well it's after midnight here... so it's already today :awesome: I'm really looking forward to it. Me and my sister are driving to Cologne in the morning, then we'll go shopping and then in the afternoon we're going to the venue :D Did they announce any Canadian tour dates yet? If they didn't then I hope they will do it soon :yesey:

  9. Hey! Well, so far I don't quite know what job exactly I want to do when I'm finished. The school that I visit offers simply much everything that relates to making movies. We learn how to produce a film, how to write a script, how to cast the actors, how to shoot it, how to direct a film, how to cut it, we learn about law as well and so on. But after finishing uni you can call me a trained film producer :D On Monday we had some kind of film premiere. The older students of my school presented their intermediate diploma and they made short movies and showed them in quite a big cinema with lots of people watching it. They had great ideas and really did a good job I think.


    But I don't think Business sounds that boring. But I don't know what jobs you can do with that!? Is it similar to studying something like Public Relations?


    I hate to expect too much of a movie or a cd. I didn’t listen to the Muse snippets on iTunes to avoid certain expectations or disappointments for instance. But I like the new album. It’s completely different to their early stuff but that doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing.

    Right now I’m watching the EMAs. I really hope that Muse are gonna win… (though I’m also a big The Killers Fan)… well we’ll see what happens :D

    Have you seen the Undisclosed Desires video? I like it… though the dancer annoys me a little bit and it isn’t about the lyrics at all but I love Dom’s drumkit and his a** :chuckle:

  10. Of course. I study film :D It is really exciting. At least the last two weeks were :LOL: At first I was a bit nervous because everything was new, a whole new situation, new teachers and so on. But it's pretty cool. I've met lots of nice and creative people. Do you go to university or college as well?


    I watched Pulp Fiction a few years ago just because it is such an iconic movie. I didn't know what to expect so I think I didn't expect anything but I was curious because everybody seems to love the movie. And I have to admit that I was somehow disappointed. Maybe I should watch it again. But yeah I'm more into movies like Kill Bill or From Dusk till Dawn. Quentin Tarantino played one of the leading characters (besides George Clooney :eyebrows: ) in the latter. I had no idea he also appears in Planet Terror. I should definitely watch it :D


    I looked on imdb.com and yep Danny Elfman also composes the music for the upcoming Alice in Wonderland. So many great actors are part of the movie and I think I recognized only... well only Johnny Depp (when I watched the trailer). I didn't know that Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Hathaway are in the movie as well.

    I just saw the first Harry Potter movie because I was working at a cinema at the time. I haven't read one of the books to be honest :$ Did you read all of them? Are they good?

  11. Hey, ahhh I'm sorry that I didn't answer a bit earlier but the last week was my first week at university and I was barely at home or on my computer. When I was at home I slept most of the time... but now I'm awake and can finally write back :D

    That scene with Sarah Michelle Gellar is great. I also like the scene when she runs to her sister's shop and the killer is more or less right behind her. And then in the shop he is under one of those clingwraps (is that the right word?) amongst all the mannequins and then he jumps into the camera. Ahh that frightened me :D

    And yeah House of 1000 corpses is a Rob Zombie film. But the people don't get killed by ghosts but by the family that lives in the house where the 4 protagonists are invited to stay over the night because their car broke :rolleyes: (very typical for a horror movie :LOL: ) It's a scary and crazy family (what they do, the way they look) but I find it more oppressive than gory. It's not quite like Haunted Hill or the Haunting because there are no ghosts and I'd say it's a lot more horror movie like.


    Oh and I love Quentin Tarantino. I've to admit that I'm not a huge Pulp Fiction fan I rather like films like Kill Bill, From Dusk till Dawn or his latest movie Inglourious Basterds. Have you seen that one? I found it brilliant. I did watch Death Proof though but not Planet Terror... unfortunately. So I just saw one half of Grindhouse :LOL: A friend told me that Planet terror is much better than Death Proof. She said it's gorier and as you just said a campy horror movie. So did you like what you've seen so far (apart from the fact that it was gory) or didn't you like it at all?


    Oh and our composers: Hans Zimmer has done the soundtrack for movies like Pearl Harbor (ahh that one's beautiful), Gladiator, Black Hawk Down (haven't seen that one but I know that he wrote the music for it), Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, The Dark Knight and many more.

    Oh and I love the soundtrack of Edward Scissorhands. It's also one of my favourite movies. I like the fact that Danny Elfman and Tim Burton almost always work together. It just fits perfectly.

    Did John Williams compose the music for all Harry Potter movies that have been in theater so far?

  12. "Stuff you"? :LOL: They better leave the "Fuck you" 'cause everybody knows it's supposed to be that. But very funny :D

    Yeah, I saw all parts of I know what you did last summer. I have to admit that the second part wasn't that bad (compared to the third). But the first one was is and will always be the best I really really like that one. Though I think it's not really horror, is it? I mean it's quite thrilling and some scenes are bloody but I wouldn't say it's a typical horror movie. It's a slasher (that was the word I was searching for) like Scream. That one is also great. But I watched I will always know what you did last summer just because I liked the first two parts and I was hoping that the latest part could be at least ok, but I was so disappointed. No wonder it was a straight-to-DVD movie. You should watch it just to be reminded how great the original is :facepalm:

    The Cell is a pretty good movie, too. I kow what you mean by saying that it was beautifully filmed (all the colors and interesting sets and costumes) but disturbing at the same time. Have you seen House of 1000 corpses? I know the title sounds :eek: but it's not that bloody it's rather colorful yet disturbing. It has an oppressing atmosphere and that makes the movie so crazy and shocking. There's this scene where a police officer is shot by this weird guy and it's accompanied with music that absolutely does not fit at all. That is scary!

    Braindead and Evil Dead are very campy horror movies. You either find it disgusting or totally funny (especially Braindead). That really has a comedic value :D

    Thanks for the summary. Couldn't remember what exactly it was about. I think we have that movie at home. If I find it I will give it a go.

    So far the Amélie soundtrack is the only Yann Tiersen soundtrack that I own. Are there any other that you could recommend except the Goodbye, Lenin one? I love soundtracks. I don't have too many but I think like 40. Do you like Hans Zimmer or Danny Elfman? They make very good film scores as well.

  13. Oh no! Did I write Ralph Fiennes? Well, I meant Joseph :facepalm: No doubt Ralph is a great actor and he doesn't look bad... but he's a bit old... way too old for me :LOL:

    I'm kind of a film freak. I actually love all types of movies (romantic comedies, thrillers, love stories etc.). But sometimes you just need a movie that gives you the creeps. I'm also a fan of Halloween, Scream or I know what you did last summer :yesey: Interesting that you like Friday the 13th but not the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. But yeah movies like saw are getting really disgusting. When you compare the first part with the last... then you notice that with every sequel it gets a lot gorier. I find it pretty scary that there are people out there who have all these ideas for movies like Saw.

    But do you know Braindead or Evil Dead? Evil Dead is my favourite old horror movie. Braindead is just funny but it's not that old. It's from the early 90's. And there's definitely a comedic value :D

    Oh 500 days of summer! I saw the trailer of that :happy: It really seems like a sweet movie.

    I haven't seen Goodbye, Lenin. Well I did. Kind of. I think I just saw the first 15minutes and then I turned it off (I know I should've watched the movie till the end). I can see why you got into it from listening to the soundtrack. I absolutely love the Amélie soundtrack. I think my favourite song is Comptine d'un autre été l'après midi. I first didn't know that this song was from Amélie. But I just found it lovely. And when I watched the movie I was like "Ahh I need the soundtrack"! It's such a beautiful piece of music :happy: But the rest of the soundtrack as well. I also like La Valse d'Amélie. Many songs on the soundtrack sound so typical French. You don't hear songs like that very often if you're not into chansons.

  14. Hey,

    I've watched the first episodes of Fringe. It actually wasn't bad but I somehow lost the interest. Don't know why but I still watch it sometimes when I'm at home and when it seems like an interesting episode.

    To ne honest I haven't heard of Flash Forward. Well, I somehow did... at least it does sound familiar but I've never watched it. But I looked on imdb and I saw that Ralph Fiennes is in it (handsome guy) :D

    And yes, that is Harper's Island. Haha sounds weird: people are dying one by one with every episode. But it is quite thrilling. Though I'm wondering what they are doing when they reveal who the killer is. I guess it will get even more confusing (like in Prison Break). But who knows. I like horror movies and the show reminds me a bit of a long horror movie.

    That Gray Gubler is the guy with the "long" (it's not really long but yeah you probably know what I mean) hair ;) Do you like him? So far I've just seen him in the show. Haven't seen him in any movie I guess.

    Your list of favourite foreign movies is quite good. I like foreign movies as well but in my case it's the the American or English films that are my favourites because I'm from Germany and I don't like many German movies :)

  15. Yeah, they do that very often here that they wait and see if the show's succesful overseas and if it is they will start airing it here as well. Though it's sad if you have a show like Pushing Daisies that got cancelled at a point where it actually began to become really interesting :(

    The new Supernatural season is the 5th. At first I didn't like the series much. But my sister did and she got the first two seasons on dvd for christmas and I promised to watch a couple of episodes with her and then I totally got obsessed with it. But season 4 and 5 have a pretty strong storyline which makes it difficult to get into the show if you haven't watched at least the 4th season. And I've heard that the show will end after this season :( I also had some catching up to do as well with the show. But when you're really into it then it's difiicult to get away from the tv and do something else :$

    But I know Criminal Minds. I should give it a try and watch it (I think I've only seen its commercial).

    Tbh I like CSI. I mean I couldn't watch all episodes of all three shows but sometimes I like to watch CSI NY. But I don't like Law and Order. I don't know why but if it's on I usually turn the tv off or switch the channel :p

    There's also a new show on TV which is quite exciting. It's Harper's Island. It seems a bit like a long horror movie :) But yeah it's fun to watch :D

    And you said you like foreign movies? That's pretty cool. do have any other fav foreign movies apart from Amélie?

  16. That shows sounds fun. Maybe I'll watch the pilot on the internet to get a first impression. I haven't heard about it here in Europe. I guess TV channels are waiting to see if it's succesful in the states and then they will show it over here.

    That one photo in your sig is from AméIie, right? I watched the movie quite late. It was at the time when I was already watching Pushing Daisies, I've heard in interviews that the show's inspired by the film and yeah, you can clearly see that :)

    I'll now watch the new Supernatural episode. Do you know that show? I like those kinds of mystery/ thriller shows :D

  17. Yeah I think the same about TV shows nowadays. Pushing Daisies was really great. Probably too intelligent for most people. Though it was funny and colorful I found it quite thrilling (because of the murders they were solving). It was a nice alternative to many crime series.

    But I haven't heard of Glee. I saw on imdb that it's a comedy/ musical. Looks interesting. What is it exactly about?

  18. I absolutely loved the show. It was so colorful, funny and full of charm. It really is a shame that it got cancelled :( Lee Pace was adorable as the Pie maker. He is such a sweety :D

  19. Ahh you're a Pushing Daisies fan :D

  20. Das Bild ist... irgendwie hat das was :cool:

  21. Oh it's going quite well. Just got The Resistance a couple of days ago and now I'm busy listening to it :D But I like it so far.

  22. Hey hello! Thanks for the friend request :) How is it going?

  23. Hey,

    ich habe Dienstag morgen gegen 10Uhr aus dem Hostel ausgecheckt. Schade dass man sich nicht mehr gesehen hat :( Nach dem Konzert war ich noch mit Frankaa (auch hier vom Board) unterwegs. Wir mussten erst mal das Konzert verdauen und noch mal über alles quatschen. War wirklich toll. Wie fandest Du es denn? Hast Du es noch rechtzeitig geschafft vom Flughafen?


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