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Posts posted by MuseMegz

  1. I am, I've actually felt weird all day because of it :(


    Like my dream last night :(.

    I think i had just been to their concert, then went backstage with some random people to see Chris :D. I got his autograph and a picture with him on my phone, and he weirdly like, 'predicted' something that was gonna happen....and it did later in my dream :erm:... But yeah i remember later in my dream running down my house stairs to show everyone the picture of me and Chris and then i woke up thinking it had happened... :'(

  2. Mm-hmm :happy:

    I find Dom funny just talking normally and when people take a picture of him when he does a really strange, but beautiful face :LOL:


    :LOL: The faces he pulls sometimes can be pretty hilarious :happy:, i need to try search for one tomorrow that i've been reminded of now (its on my Muse picture file....somewhere) :p.

  3. I had a dream last night that Dom was a comedian or something and was doing a show in my living room :LOL:, once he had finished someone called him Russell Howard though :stunned:....


    It was raining. The sky was black, and thunder went off every few seconds, followed by a flash in the sky. The doorbell went. I was alone. I went to open the door, and Chris stood there, with a complete blank look on his face. 'Mind if I come in?' in a weird Jack Nicholson-style way. I agreed. He walked in. A small kitchen knife was on his waist.


    He walked through the house. His expression never changed. He stumbled into the kitchen, and turned, staring at me. He opened the cupboard where the cutlery was, and reached in, probably to get a bigger knife. A sudden eerie smile formed on his face.



    I was wrong. He pulled out some digestives and a box of teabags, said 'thanks mate' and left. The bastard.



    True story. In my dreams.

    I had this nightmare where i was in the mosh pit at a muse concert and all of a sudden this guy grabs me from behind and I start freaking out and yelling for someone to help me, but no one does. Then Matt spots me from onstage and leaps down into the crowd yelling "SAVE THAT GIRL!!! I WANT TO MAKE HER PASTA!!!!" and he's trying to get to me but the crowd is too strong and im dragged away while matt is being trampled. it kind of sucked. :(but it was my first muse dream so i was happy! :happy:



    ^^^ These :LOL:!


    Ok, it must of been a few weeks ago when i had this dream. But it was something like Matt singing a song that doesnt even exist and i think Kate Hudson was there aswell :erm:. i have no idea what the lyrcis were, but they don't exist :LOL:.


    And last night i had a dream that there were another 2 songs on the Absolution album... one of them began with G... but once again i can't quite remember what they were called :facepalm:. I actually went onto the board in that dream and asked people if they had the 2 songs on their Absolution cd's :LOL:, no one else did though.

    I woke up checking my ipod :facepalm::LOL:.

  5. I had a dream last night that i was playing football with Chris and some people from my cadets at my old primary school, but Chris was in some really weird suit/ costume thing which i can't quite remember :wtf:. After we got bored and finished our random kick around, i walked out the park with him and asked if he would mind signing my bass and poster. He happly said "yeah sure", and i think i must of ran inside to get the stuff, and then i woke up :(.

  6. Another Muse & Green Day Dream Lastnight


    Me, Matt, Dom, Chris, Billie Joe, Tré and Mike went to a shopping centre, it was only the seven of us there. Matt and Billie Joe ran off to the food court, Chris and Mike went to Build A Bear Workshop. Me, Dom and Tré were stood waiting for an lift to come up.

    When one finally came the doors opened and out came Alan Sugar from The Apprentice. He pointed at Dom and said "Your Fired!" then disappeared in a puff of smoke. Dom started to cry. He ran away screaming into the Women's toilets, Tré screamed and ran into a glass door.

    I went to find Chris and Mike at Build A Bear Next, when I got there Chris was stuck inside the stuffing machine! Mike was just stood pressing the pedal for the stuffing to come out so he could rescue Chris.

    I went to the food court where I found Matt and Billie Joe in KFC playing chess with some chickens!






    I had a Muse dream about a week ago, i was at a small type of Muse concert, and for some reason Matt, Dom and Chris packed up their stuff whilst people were leaving. When most people had gone i went up to Matt and asked if i could have a picture, he said "yeah sure" and i asked my friend if she could take the picture. She took the camera and her and some of my other friends messed around with it whilst me and Matt were waiting. When she finally took the picture, it was all fuzzy and me and Matt weren't ready... And then he had to leave straight away afterwards :supersad. I was pissed off in my dream at my friend.. i woke up and i was actually pissed off with her in reality because of what she did in my dream :facepalm :LOL:.

  7. Same, except it was stuck to my wardrobe and I had a lick when I first saw this thread the day after it ws created. It was UNPLEASANT.


    :LOL: Yeah i thought at first it was just some kind of joke made up on the lolz thread... wasn't expecting such a bad taste :LOL:

  8. My friend who was at Wembley just sent me a letter and put some GL confetti in there for me...


    When it gets here, should I take the plunge? :LOL:


    Tastes pretty disgusting, but i vote you go fot it :LOL:

  9. :LOL: I went to the Manchester gig, heard about this salty confetti about 15 minutes ago on the Lolz thread and i have a piece of the white confetti hanging on the wall in my room. Tasted it... never doing it again :LOL:
  10. We were visting family in England and my mum woke up one morning and said to me that she had the weirdest dream:


    She dreamt she was at my old primary school and some people from around our area were having a meeting or something with Muse, then my mum thought "oh god, we cant do this without my daughter!" (cause she knows how big a fan i am :D). So she ran across the road to our house and got me to come across. Apparently i sat in the seat next to Matt and whenever he talked to me i just stared at him and said uh huh in that sorta dreamy kinda voice :LOL:.


    Sounded like a good dream ;).

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