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Posts posted by pokemew

  1. For me T2L and Drones are in the same level. Better than the Resistane, even if the resistance has some amazing songs like T2L and Drones. But for me the last 3 albums have been a bit weak. Sure, like I said, some songs in each album are pretty great, but I only enjoy half and a bit of each album (same with Showbiz, but Showbiz had some great b-sides).

  2. Ok so.....


    Dead Inside - 7.5/10 (started hating it but now I like it a lot for some reason)

    Psycho - 7/10

    Mercy - Still don't know what to give it but I don't like it! Maybe 2/10 or 3/10

    Reapers - 8/10

    The Handler - 10/10

    Defector - 6.5 or 7/10

    Revolt - I... I don't know

    Aftermath - Maybe 6 or 7/10

    The Globalist - Same... I just.. I love 2/3 of it, hate the rest. (hate the Explorers 2.0 part)

    Drones - 5/10 (the church-y sound is nice but just hearing him go drones drones on a church like song is cringe worthy)

  3. There's no need to assume people who don't like every single Muse song does not do so because of the genres. And Muse don't dwell in that many genres to begin with. I love loads of pop, rock, electro and combinations thereof. Doesn't mean I like Guiding Light, NSC and Madness.


    nicely said, same thing with me.

  4. Blind devotion is horrible. You can be a "true fan" and not love everything the band puts out. Or is "real fans" the better phrase here? Yeah.


    :yesey: This.


    I don't understand blind devotion. I like what I like and that's it. There's some old muse songs that I find dreadful, and there's some new muse songs that I love as much as some older ones.

  5. Dead Inside is so 80's it hurts. It's UD nr2 with the ending of Madness. STILL I prefer it to UD and Madness for some reason.


    I wouldn't mind more Muse songs with a funk style like Panic Station, but this 80's synth style...nah

  6. Urgh, at work they test us ever now and then to make sure we know our fruit and vege (I work at a supermarket) and apples are the hardest. They always pick apples that look the same as another. :indiff:


    Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Pink Lady, Jonagold, Red Delicious, Braeburn, Sundowner, Golden Delicious... they're all I can think of atm.


    I've never heard of those honey ones.


    nom nom I love Pink Lady apples :D

  7. I had a dream that I was at a muse concert, and Dom hopped off stage and started dancing for all these ladies over in one corner of the arena, and they were trying to tie him up with scarves and whatnot, so i jumped over and set him free, then he kissed me :awesome:

    then he's like "lets do it" and i was like "what?" and then i cast disillusionment charms over both of us (WTF?) and then he led me to this back room, and we did the naughty... :p

    then Matt walked in and told Dom that he wasn't being very helpful , but gave us a fruitbasket full of condoms anyway. but Dom and I went to a park instead where Angelina Jolie and all her kids were playing, and I smashed my head on a brick wall and woke up...


    Wut? :LOL:

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