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Status Updates posted by blissfullydreaming

  1. lol i love your username! it's cool!

  2. what are you studying?

  3. what's new cactus?????????

  4. do you have any ideas where you want to go in america? ????

  5. you are welcome! so, how've you been?

  6. Get on it girly!!!!!!!

  7. who's lindsey?

    what do you mean by high school pshycologist?

    are you on muse often?

    what's your favorite color?

    have you ever had anything published?

    how come i haven't seen you in chat?

    how come i'm your only friend? (on muse anyways)

    what's your favorite muse song?

    what's it like in washington?

    what's your favorite book?

    please reply!

    thanxx 4 ur time,


  8. catch some Z's for meh! hahaha



  9. i like him, he is a good man, and i stand with him for at least trying something no other colored man has ever tried to do before i beleive he has awakened our eyes to change but i do have to agree, he can't fix everything, although i have no doubt that he will try

    you haven't been to america?

  10. i was just on my way! allie is already there hahaha

  11. Don't worry! i was like that too when we went to mexico for a while i couldn't leave the condo without it! it was really funny! so, how are you liking america?

  12. thanxx for replying and ps i couldn't tell you were french, you talked fine

  13. Thanxx (but really it was) heyy can i ask yah something?

    ok so, do you think that muse has been doing well lately? do you think they should just keep it at the cd's they have now? or do you think they should just keep going? do you think they are doing this next album for more money or love? do you think this album is going to be filled with a whole lot of new songs or just hit singles? i'm a bit shaken with the whole new album thing and it's driving me cuckoo banana crackers . . . . . . . . i feel like a rare bird hiding in tall grass by a hunter's feet. . . . . deciding whether i fly or not. . . the thing is. . . if i fly i'm most likely to die . . . . . . . . if i stay. . . . . i don't know what's going to happen

    thanxx for your time,


  14. who's the person on your avatar?

  15. heyy! hows it going cactus?

  16. heyy no prob! your album is really thought provoking! i like it! just something i needed



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