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Status Updates posted by blissfullydreaming

  1. what's new with you?

    hahaha i was a poet and i didn't even know-it! lol

    WOW i really have no life. . . . . .

  2. Where do you live exactly in Nevada? -rino

    The weather is hot and dry there? -yes

    Where you live, how is the geography? Is there mountains? Is it a desert? yes and yes

    Maybe I appear stupid, but I'm curious! no you don't :D

  3. any thoughts on the saxaphone or oboe? :D

  4. like, the trombone i'm guessing? :D

  5. that's cool! i'm lyric. i am sad to report that the pics didn't upload. my computer was bein weird. :p

    i mean she's a doll like she's a sweetheart.

    thanks for adding me!!!!!!

    heyy eetheell! that's a pretty name!

  6. today i went to the movies too! i went to see land of the lost with allie (emmettsgrrl) it was stupid. we were laughing the whole time! i met up w/ her today at the dog park. it was fun! she's a doll. then we spent the day talking. then i had to drive home and well. . . it was sad. we took a pic. i'm about to put it up right now. . . . . . . she has a copy too. idk if she's going to put hers up though. she took an awesome pic of me yesterday. i kept it and am about to put it up too. ;) have a good summer! 8D!!!!

  7. can i please get more details than that? :D

  8. welcome to muse message board! if you have any questions let me know! i'd be happy to help

  9. umm. . . .that's fun ! lol

  10. that's cool! so, how's your summer going?

  11. hahaha awesome ! i play flute ^_^ i'm a band geek too yay for us band geeks

  12. hey, thanks for adding me! wassup?

  13. feliz cumpleanos a ti!!!!!!!!!

  14. heyy! happy birthday!!!!!!!!!

  15. hahaha i see adamlambertlover decided to talk to you hahahahahahaha she can never leave a good thing be hahahahahaha

  16. i want to do philosophy and or woman's studies along with the basic.

  17. you're welcome! no problem!

  18. cool! have fun! hahaha ^^

  19. welcome! if you have any questions, i'd be happy to help!

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