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Posts posted by KateCheers

  1. Had the same problem with the code not working, but kept trying and managed to get tickets! I have to say I love the thrill of it, but of course only if it works out at the end hehe 🙃 See you in Vienna!

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  2. Ich kann mein Glück kaum fassen, ich habe tatsächlich Karten für Berlin ergattert. Zum ersten Mal hat es mit Tickets für ein kleines Konzert geklappt, das ist schon seit Jahren mein Traum. Ich drücke euch allen ganz fest die Daumen für Freitag! 💫

    • Thanks 1
  3. I should have been there, had tickets, but unfortunately had to resell them last minute because I got Covid the day before. Luckily I saw them at another festival a couple of days prior, but was still gutted, also because of the rest of the fantastic Lineup and Berlin is always such a great location (with great food too 😁 ). I also loved the sustainability message of the festival, hopefully I get to go next year. I was super happy that ARTE livestreamed the concert, the stream was great and the crowd actually looked fantastic. It was nice to see details of what I have seen at the other festival, when they played CE I was screaaaaming (followed by immediate coughing), it's been a while since I've seen them play that song live. Now I feel like I need to buy tickets to another gig to make up for this missed one 😅

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  4. I was at the barrier at Rock im Park as always and it was magnificent. Great crowd, great sound. Matt and Chris could've used the stage a bit more, but honestly, I haven't felt alive like this in 3 years. Was quite surprised they didn't play Mercy, it's such a great festival song. The guys were great, Matt's voice was amazing, I loved the visuals and stage design. Anything would made me happy after such a long time without concerts, but damn, they continue to blow my mind every single time.

  5. What do you guys think we can expect from the early access VIPs? They haven't really done it at Europe gigs before, so I don't know how the chances are to get to the barrier with a regular ticket. Sucks that they are doing this, money should't be the thing that gets you to the barrier.

  6. June 30th, intimate gig.


    This was confirmed a while back because Swedish radio have been running a competition for it. Not sure why this is only news now.


    What, how? Tell me mooore, does anybody know how to get tickets?

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