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Posts posted by Ahkmed

  1. I never venture in here but I have a request for you diligent PMTers. I'm taking art and one of the requirements is to make a charcoal drawing of a photo. It has to have certain shadows and proportions and such...etc. But I have no good photos and my family doesn't want to be drawn either. :LOL: So..I am looking for that photo of Matt and he has blonde/brownish hair and thick rim black glasses..He is staring off into the distance but It's a perfect photo for the project. I couldn't find it anywhere but i remembered it. If you could help that would be swell. Cheers!


    P.S He looks like this :nerd: well..those sort of glasses, at least.

  2. You wanna know what's even more annoying than queue jumpers? People who leave the pit a million times to get beer and still expect you to let them back up the front. :mad:

    People were doing that at the Killers concert. Not that it matter'd THAT much because we were seated, but I think it's sort of stupid to drink during a concert. You can't move around with a beer in your hand. I think that should be something you do before/after a gig. Especially if you're in the pit.


    i'm 5'2 and i only go to pit in any concert i dont care being crushed, punched and even groped but there's no way i would see a rock concert from the seats it's like a rock concert blasphemy XD in my personal opinion

    when muse came here i was on the pit and one of my friends was on the seats, she regrets that until now

    I feel the same way about sea GA/Seats. If it's a rock concert, I see no point in sitting. My entire family is coming and they are all going to sit. :facepalm: But my friend said "I am not going to see Muse and sit, that would ruin it all." So she's going to stand with me. :awesome: Although it is nice to sit down during the opening band. My back starts to ache. :(


    In 06 I nearly fainted due to exhaustion mid set, so I was darn grateful that they played a few slower numbers to calm us all down again. But it was such a blast - never ever would I have a seat if I can avoid it!

    I'm very afraid of this. :$ I just always have this vision playing in my head that I'm going to faint and have to be carried out. For some reason I can't convince myself that you could get that tired at a concert. But is there anyway to prevent something like that? I know that drinking lots of water is good but I don't want to have to go to the bathroom there. :erm:

  3. I really hope for your friend's sake that she doesn't try that in Phoenix because knowing a few of the people queueing, including myself she will be shot to pieces.... If she doesn't have the time to wait then she has to accept that she won't be at the front - simple. So you might want to explain that to her.


    There is nothing worse for people to took the time and made the effort to wait all day to see someone rocket at the last minute and think they have the right to jump ahead.

    Exactly. She's totally awesome and loves Muse as well, but I think I'll just have to say that I don't want to push ahead. I'm going up with my mum anyways to queue early. My mum is sitting though, she doesn't have a standing ticket so I might just replace my mom with her whenever she gets there if she it too stubborn to take just one day off to drive up with me. All I know is I am NOT pushing ahead. She says she never goes to the front she just tries to get towards the middle but even then, it's not worth it! I don't want to have people giving me dirty faces just so I can be in the middle instead of taking one day to wait with a bunch of awesome musers to be right in the front!

  4. I'm glad you don't have the balls to do it, because mark my words you'd have your balls removed if you tried to skip ahead of those who've been there from the early hrs.

    :LOL: My friend I'm going with does that all the time at concerts. She is NOT a jerk though I promise, she just doesn't have time to wait. But I really, really don't want to push ahead because I respect people who wait in line and I'm afraid of people getting pissy at her. She said she's dont it before but she won't go too far ahead. I'm just driving with my mum up to Pheonix early to wait in line so that she won't force me to push ahead with her. :$


    well at music festivals its not thousands of people wanting in the pit mostly everyone who wanted in gets in so dont worry Im not one of those people just never been to a concert as large as this one...not even close and besides the music festivals I went to I went to a hellogoodbye concert and there was only enough people to fill the pit at a local bar so thats exactly how I was able to get to the front without waiting all day to do so.....I dont have the ballz to push my way in front of thousands who have been waiting all day Im pretty sure they would kill me :(

    Yeah I know what you mean, I think some of the people here took your question the wrong way. We have a very small venue here and it's one of those things where you arrive like 20 minutes before the show starts and your able to be like 2 rows away from the front because it's so small. But Muse is a whole different story. Depending on where you want to be you will have to be there long before the show. If you want barrier, I'd say getting there early in morning. Maybe 9 or 10 am. Maybe even earlier to be safe.

  5. Actually that's not a bad idea. In Vegas we had a pact with the people around us to keep us safe (about 6 gals, 2 guys). The bigger guys are great for when people try to push into your space. And they will.

    I think I just might do this. I'm planning on being at the barrier, and a friend coming says she will protect me, but I would love to have more than one person. :LOL: Although I am a dancer, and I do strength training and bicycling, so I should be strong enough to push any wankers away. :phu:

  6. i dreamed that i was in a muse gig in a parking lot outside of walmart:rolleyes:. Matt was singing USoE , and all of a sudden he started singing opera! and all the people were with white shirts and holding hands, and Dom had these candles around him. Then the police came and took everyone to jail, :(


    I keep having concert related dreams. I had a dream that I had just finished one of my bicycling classes and then my parents say "Come on we have to go see Muse." So we are driving in the car through this futuristic looking town and then arrive at the venue. So I'm there and I see some boardies I know on here and apparently I was late to the concert but I was able to get in through the back doors and so I was at the front but everyone is laying on blankets in the mosh pit (:wtf:) and this fat lady keeps complaining to me that I bumped into her and messed her spot up on the ground. It was strange. I also had a dream I met Muse at Wembley and Matt was fat and a jerk. But Dom gave me his drumsticks and Chris was.... Chris. He just stood there looking awesome.

  7. Woo this thread is :awesome: Let's me know what to expect. :p I've been in the pit before but It was for some small bands and the crowds were never real big or agressive. I'm excited to finally get some action though. I do have some questions, It seems that most people recommend taking a spot near the barrier on Chris' side. Will we still get to see all the action from there? Will Matt take a visit over to our side a couple times? :LOL: And also, for the AZ gig, how bad are the lines for waiting? I would just LOVE to have a barrier spot but I'm not sure I'll be able to be there at 7 A.M :LOL: I would really like this question answered. Cause this seems to be the thing I'm most concerned about. :erm:

  8. I had a Muse dream a lil while ago! Me and my family were at a gig..but there was barely no one there..some people but not a lot. We were sitting in the front and of course, rocking out to the music. But then they had an intermission so we were running up trying to meet Matt because he walked off the stage into the crowd. So we ran up and I said hi. Then he turned around. And he didnt look anything like himself. He looked like a hilbilly. He was really fat and really mean to us. So I was thinking "What a shame I thought he was going to be a nice person." So we sit back down and the concert continues and then after a song Dom throws his sticks to the audience and I happen to catch both of them. Then my brother grabs them from me and breaks one in half. (??) then this random dude grabs the other one and throws it. So I run franticly to get it. And I do! But then it switched all of a sudden to this weird emo band playing Mr. Brightside by The Killers (my other favourite band) but the arena had dissapeared and instead we were in like a swimming pool but the band was still on a stage. Oh yeah and the lead singer of the emo band was a douche. It was a weird dream. :stunned:

  9. mm..I love The Killers..going to see them in September and I can't wait :cool: I love Day and Age. I agree that it's very different but in a good way. They seem to be trying very different styles all the time but they can pull them all off :) I love em

  10. Hmm..I have to say either Blackbird, Can't Buy Me Love, or Elenor Rigby. I love them all though :) But I think Blackbird is such a simple and sweet song. My brother plays it on the guitar and I just love to listen to it.

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