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About jjjoie

  • Birthday 12/11/1992

Personal Information

  • Location
    Athens, Greece
  • Interests
    Music and Art
  • Occupation
    Architectu, Product Designer
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  • Favourite Bands
    MUSE, Foals, Biffy Clyro, Editors, Kasabian
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Black Mirror
  • Favourite Books
    Harry Potter,1984, The Picture Of Dorian Gray, Jane Austen, A Song of Ice and Fire
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Drones, The 2nd Law, The Resistance, Haarp, Black Holes And Revelations, Absolution, Showbiz, Origin Of Symmetry, Hullabaloo
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Rome 6-7-13 :D
    Milan 17-5-16
    Athens 23-7-16
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  1. aw, i'm sure you'll take good care of your apartment. :) just no wild parties! :rolleyes:

    and it's a weird bathroom because it's sort of like, not in a secluded room. like the shower is behind these two swing-type doors, and it's covered by a thick white curtain, which is fine by me.

    and then the sinks are right outside next to it. like, in the hallway where the rooms are at. it's strange.. i can't explain it. but it's alright. :) and the bathrooms i just really don't like, it's basically 2 stalls like public restrooms. i mean, none of us mind it so much, but it's just weird. i don't understand why they couldn't just give us a regular bathroom with a shower in it. :rolleyes: i understand the sink situation 'cause there's 4 sinks and a lot of us.. but yeah. it's alright. me and my house mates get to know eachother better everyday. :awesome: so it's really turning out to be something truly awesome.


    and you mean 350 euros right? i don't know how much that is in american money.. :erm:

    what bills do you have to pay?

    oooh. and it's great to hear another muser will be your guide to the city. :awesome:

    i've done my fair share so far, but it's still not enough. i've come to realize that the campus is so huge that i'm not gonna be able to know where everything is at in just 2 days. :rolleyes: so tomorrow, we're just gonna go look for our classes, and then head downtown for the first time. :D

    you have fun exploring as well! :)


    and i just found out that i will be attending the muse gig in LA this sunday! :dance::dance::dance:

    i'm beyond excited. school kind of forces me to forget, but once i remember i'm just like :eek: ZOMG. that's righht! i'm going! :awesome:


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