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Everything posted by Twin-chan

  1. Yeah, next week is my last real week of school. The week of my birthday, June 5th, I have finals XD but luckily the last day of school is June 4th. I'm hoping that I don't have to take all of them but I might have to take atleast 3 :(

  2. I love all kinds of 80's music XD Most likely if you name it I like it.

    Sorry for the long waited reply. I went to see Nightwish in concert this last weekend and it exhausted me XD So I haven't been online much.

  3. I love Franz Ferdinand and The Who XD They're pretty awesome musicians.

    I'm really into anything and everything, but my fav genre has to be dance/techno/electronica.

    Some of my fav bands are Royksopp, Goldfrapp, Coldplay, Nightwish is pretty cool, Gigi D'Agostino, Gorillaz, Lacuna Coil is a good band, and 80's music in general XD


    But I also enjoy classical music, most rock, some R&B, don't really like rap except for the occasional 80's rap song like Can't Touch This, Funky Cold Madina, etc. You know XD

    But I'm a bit of a music slut, I tend to like almost anything XD

  4. LMBO the guitar thing that sounds like something I'd do XD Yeah I haven't been able to play the piano in a couple of years due to we moved to the Wal Mart capitol of the world and live in a subdivision in a house that we couldn't fit a piano into >.< But I've really been thinking about getting a keyboard so i can start playing again :\

    So what other bands do you like other than Muse XD of course

  5. How are you this week? Did you have a good weekend? I had a pretty good weekend. I didn't do much that was productive other then working out everything for going to Oklahoma City this upcoming weekend. I was late to school because I wasn't feeling well but my douche step dad made me go or he said I couldn't go to the concert this weekend >.< Well, I hope you're having a good Monday!

  6. No, I'm instrumentally talented, I just don't have the want to play the type of instruments you normally see in band. I can play the piano, which I started playing at the age of 6-7, and I'd really like to learn to play the guitar. But, I have tons of friends in band XD

    I'm in yearbook. That's my school pride duty :D.

  7. Yeah I guess I am in a good mood today XD It's been an easy day and it will be for the rest of the day, and tomorrow also :D So I'm in a pretty good mood.

    With the Muse stuff, I totally cheated <.< I went to Amazon XD and bought it from stores that go through Amazon.

    I'm a bad Muse fan! I'm not worthy! *smacks self* jk XD But you know what, that's what they get for not selling the smexy stuff to us!

    I got the smexy poster, that's black and white and has the three of them leaning against a wall. And I got the poster with almost all of the album covers on it.

  8. Funnily enough, they do use it for gym lol XD They have part of the parking lot sectioned off during marching band season for band to use for practice. During winter they open it up so people can park there for the rest of the school year though, but while it's sectioned off, some coaches have their students run around it. (And with a school population of over three thousand and with almost half of them being in band, it's a big freaking section!) That or they make them run around the biggest of the two school buildings XD

    My gym teacher was nice <.< he just made us play sports games thank the lord XD

  9. XD Yes, how has your week been? Sorry I haven't been on much this week. I've been lazy <.< Tomorrow is Friday! Finally >.< I'm sooo ready for school to be out.

    I got two Muse posters last week XD and a Muse t-shirt I was so happy *huggles t-shirt which I am currently wearing*

  10. I'm really looking forward to Senior parking spots <.< I have to walk like a freaking mile from my parking spot to my classrooms v.v I need the exercise but it's not nice being all sweaty and nasty right when you arrive at school XD

  11. Yes I definately had fun XD I met Kyle, the voice actor that is Gohan, Sayaman, and the announcer in DBZ and Kiba in Naruto. He's a really awesome and sweet guy. I gave him a hug and talked to him a bit XD


    Also I danced my booty off at the dance we always have at the end of the con :D


    I'm not sure if you're familiar with Saiyuki, but me and my friend cosplayed characters from that anime. I went as Sanzo and she went as Goku.


    I hope you had a good Monday!

  12. Yes! I am very excited to be a senior XD I'm kind of scared because I know that after senior year I'll have to do a lot of stuff on my own, but at the same time I look forward to the freedom you know? But I think/hope senior year will be awesome, due to the fact that our school is pretty lenient with its seniors :D

  13. Tomorrow I'll be pretty busy XD I have an anime convention to go to from 10 A.M to Midnight @_@ I'm kind of getting excited now, but I wasn't earlier. It's a pretty close knit Con where you either know everyone or know someone who knows the people you don't XD So if there's drama, everyone has to suffer from it >.< and there's been a ton of drama latelly that has just killed the spirit of the con I guess.

    But I'm getting excited now ^.^ I'll get to see and hang out with a lot of people I haven't gotten to in awhile

    I hope your weekend goes well!

  14. I'm a Junior :D so I'm in 11th grade. But most people tell me I act older :\

  15. Lmbo, it's cool.


    Today was awesome. There were Geometry EOCs (which are standardized tests making sure people know Geometry and don't have to take remedial classes) and I took Geometry Honors my Freshman year so I got to do nothing till like 10:05 except watch a speaker who taught us about college, how to choose one, how to pay, etc.

    So school was majorly easy today ^.^ which is always nice.

    How was your day?

  16. We had Yearbook State in Little Rock so it's a good 4 hour drive there, and then another 4 hours back XD We stayed there Thursday night and got back Friday evening.

    It was fun, but there is a lot of power struggle in our yearbook staff, because one of the girls wants to be editor but no one else likes her so XD it was a lot of drama going on >.< But other then that it was fun XD

    All we did was sit through really boring award ceremonies, have competition on certain things, go to Yearbook workshops, there was a Banquet, a pretty cool dance, but they only played stupid rap music. It was a fun dance, but I still prefer my techno raves XD

    Wow good luck with playing Ruled by Secrecy! I used to play the piano but it's an on again of again kind of thing. With the little house we have now, I'd have to get a keyboard >.<, which I am seriously thinking of investing in >.>

    I hope you're having a good Monday ^.^

  17. Lmbo, yeah that's sort of like our school. We won some awards, but places like Fayetteville, Rogers, Springdale did better than us and we were like...yeah...well...we still kicked all of your butts in football XD We only lost one or two games the whole season and won the championship games.

  18. I went to a Yearbook Convention in Little Rock, and Nashville was there and won some stuff XD It made me think of you.

  19. Yeah wow I must have been out of it when typing the birthday comment XD I was thinking that before meant after and yeah @_@ I don't know XD

    I'm doing ok, kind of in a bad mood at the moment :\ but I think it's PMS :D

    What have you been up to? After being on the road for 8 hours in a 48 hour period and being around a bunch of girl power struggle drama, I am so ready to just chillax XD

  20. Oh my wow seriously? That's awesome XD and Matt is a gemini too! His birthday is four after mine and I guess five after yours! Go us! XD

  21. XD man that sucks about your tooth! Yeah I had braces so I'm forced by my parents to keep my teeth in good condition XD.

    "We paid $3000 for those teeth! You better not screw them up!"

    And yeah the dentist said everything was fine v.v except that I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out this summer :\ not looking forward to that.


    I'm in school right now <.< but I'm done with everything I need to do for the rest of the semester so XD I doubt my Computer Applications teacher cares :D

  22. Hey XD, How goes it? I'm doing pretty good. Have a dentist appointment tomorrow because my wisdom teeth are coming in >.<

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