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About Twin-chan

  • Birthday 06/05/1992

Personal Information

  • Biography
    Well, my name is Ashley and I am from the state of Arkansas in the USA. I am a christian, but claim no denomination due to I only see them as another reason for people to hate eachother due to them being Babtist or Catholic, etc. You know how they fight XD. I'm also a moderate, politically speaking. I refuse to join a political party. Like the denominations, I merely see political parties as excuses to hate people for thinking differently then you and they generally get in the way of our government actually doing its job and helping this country.

    I will admit I'm an Anime nerd :\
    I am pretty open-minded, out going, and slightly narcisistic <.< I love animals and a member of the ASPCA. I believe treating all living creatures with respect, except maybe spiders. I am a huge arachnophobe. Honestly, my top two fears are spiders and aliens XD.

    I have four cats, have had a dog, four hermit crabs, and some fish. I am a writer and a Gemini in the true sense of the word.
  • Location
    Arkansas, USA
  • Interests
    Music, Anime, Animals, Reading, Writing, Learning, Driving, Playing Video Games, Watching Horror Movies, Hanging Out With My Loved Ones, Dressing Up, and I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting...
  • Occupation
    Student ^.^
  • Gender
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  • Favourite Bands
    Muse, obviously, Royksopp, Goldfrapp, Coldplay, Nightwish, Gigi D'Agostino, Gorillaz, Shiny Toy Guns, Ladytron, and Smash Mouth
  • Favourite Films
    Lord of the Rings (I'm such a nerd XD), Tremors, Signs, Edward Scissorhands, Saw, Saw II, Dawn of the Dead, Cloverfield, and Quarantine was pretty good too.
  • Favourite TV Shows
    M*A*S*H, House, CSI, Lost, and Scrubs.
  • Favourite Books
    Animal Farm, Watership Down, The Lord of the Flies, I've Never Met An Animal I Didn't Like, Do Cats Think?, and To Kill A Mockingbird.
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, Origins of Symmetry, Absolution, and Black Holes and Revelations. Trying to get H.A.A.R.P and Hullabaloo <.<

Twin-chan's Achievements


Escapee (1/14)



  1. What on earth is your top brand in handbag watching?

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  2. Happy birthday

  3. Yay, one more week!

    I hope you don't have to take them all either. How do get to be exempt?

  4. Yeah, next week is my last real week of school. The week of my birthday, June 5th, I have finals XD but luckily the last day of school is June 4th. I'm hoping that I don't have to take all of them but I might have to take atleast 3 :(

  5. It's good you have enough self-discipline to keep yourself away from the baords. I don't seem to have that!

    Have finals coming up?

  6. I love all kinds of 80's music XD Most likely if you name it I like it.

    Sorry for the long waited reply. I went to see Nightwish in concert this last weekend and it exhausted me XD So I haven't been online much.

  7. Music slut haha I'll have to remember that term for further use. That does seem like varied taste, but a good thing. A friend from work is trying to get me into Aphex Twin. I don't know...

    So do you mainly like 80s pop?

  8. I love Franz Ferdinand and The Who XD They're pretty awesome musicians.

    I'm really into anything and everything, but my fav genre has to be dance/techno/electronica.

    Some of my fav bands are Royksopp, Goldfrapp, Coldplay, Nightwish is pretty cool, Gigi D'Agostino, Gorillaz, Lacuna Coil is a good band, and 80's music in general XD


    But I also enjoy classical music, most rock, some R&B, don't really like rap except for the occasional 80's rap song like Can't Touch This, Funky Cold Madina, etc. You know XD

    But I'm a bit of a music slut, I tend to like almost anything XD

  9. Ooh so you had a grand piano? That must have been neat. I'm still not very good but I just learned how to play the arpeggios from Bliss. All I have is a keyboard. Yeah you could get a keyboard, or one of those "digital pianos". Only problem is that they usually don't have enough of octaves unless you get a nicer one.

    I love R.E.M., Franz Ferdinand, Radiohead, The Who, Mudhoney, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, and there's a few local bands I love that no one has heard of. I could go on but wouldn't want to have a laundry list of bands. What bands have you been really into lately?

  10. LMBO the guitar thing that sounds like something I'd do XD Yeah I haven't been able to play the piano in a couple of years due to we moved to the Wal Mart capitol of the world and live in a subdivision in a house that we couldn't fit a piano into >.< But I've really been thinking about getting a keyboard so i can start playing again :\

    So what other bands do you like other than Muse XD of course

  11. I've somewhat taught myself to play piano, that's a beautiful instrument. You must be pretty good at piano. Oh yeah, guitar would be awesome. I've had one since I was 15 but still haven't played it much. :facepalm: You've seved your school well. :D

  12. How are you this week? Did you have a good weekend? I had a pretty good weekend. I didn't do much that was productive other then working out everything for going to Oklahoma City this upcoming weekend. I was late to school because I wasn't feeling well but my douche step dad made me go or he said I couldn't go to the concert this weekend >.< Well, I hope you're having a good Monday!

  13. No, I'm instrumentally talented, I just don't have the want to play the type of instruments you normally see in band. I can play the piano, which I started playing at the age of 6-7, and I'd really like to learn to play the guitar. But, I have tons of friends in band XD

    I'm in yearbook. That's my school pride duty :D.

  14. Haha that's awesome. We used to jog around the parking lot sometimes, and sometimes during the summer the band would practice marching in the lots. My school was the same size.

    That does sound like a good teacher!

    So are you in band?

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