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Posts posted by Joseph.

  1. So it was the day before Muse's gig in Tampa w/ U2, and I randomly met them at McDonalds. So I was talking to them, and I asked them: "Hey? Can I write out the set list for you guys?" and they said yes! I was happy, so I got to writing it, and I walked out of McDonalds, and I end up near my pool (Apparently McDonalds are in backyards). So I'm writing it, and then some jack ass jumps in my pool and gets the paper wet, and I freak out. So I go to type it out and I don't have any ink in the printer. So I find a pen and write this out.




    The Small Print

    Anti-Recess (Which is an Anagram of Resistance)


    New Born

    Pink Ego Box


    Stockholm Syndrome

    Drum & Bass

    Exogenesis 1, 2, 3

    Citizen Erased

    Knights of Cydonia



    Jimmy Kane

    Knights of Cydonia (Again)



    New one (A new song apparently, it sounded like KoC meets Muscle Museum meets Starlight meets some Jimmy Eat World,)


    Then I saw them live and it was amazing. I was so sad it wasn't real.

  2. Man

    I had a dream that my mom and dad were getting divorced (They already have irl, but in the dream, I wasn't 5, I was 15.)

    And they were yelling, and everything. And then my CD player turned on irl, and Escape started to play and everything and incorporated itself into the dream.

    And oh man, everything took a turn for the worse. There was fighting and shit, and then my sister committed suicide D:

    I then sat bolt upright and realized it was a dream.

  3. I dreamt I heard Muse playing first song of new album, if it actually sounds like the real first song they will have fucked with my mind


    If its actually a part of the new album, I will give you 20 dollars.

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