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Status Updates posted by eli_extraordinary

  1. :ninja:my visitor messages are turning into essays just like myspace.
  2. "Er and yeah I guess he's not your typical rapper singing about "dem hOez and dat a$$"

    He's the type of rapper that raps about classy hoes and about nice shapely bums"

    :LOL: that killed me woman. ah, that was good. but NO! :p

    his lyrics are OSSUM. :phu:

    one of my favorite lines is "i know it's easy to imagine, but it's easier to just do. see, if you can't do what you imagine, then what is imagination to you?" :awesome:

    so :p that KiD is a rapping genius. :phu:


    and i'm afraid i don't understand yo question about my traveling problematiques (:chuckle:) for the staples gig.

    see, i'm gonna be in santa cruz already by the time the gig comes around. and i need someone to give me a ride from santa cruz down here to fresno, then i take off in the car with you and betsabe to LA, and just come back with you guys, but then i need someone to take me back to santa cruz. :indiff:

    it's sooo fucking complicated. and honestly, it's becoming harder to see myself going. :'(


    and WHAAAT!? :eek:

    why aren't you sure you're gonna be going to college!? what happened!?


    P.S. i think i'll pass on explaining those smileys to my mummeh. :erm:

    she'd probably ban me from coming onto the messageboard anymore. :chuckle:

  3. [CRAP. i posted this on my own profile without realizing it. ughhh. how annoying. but anywayy]

    hahah. we should go to that thread about distracted students.

    and wow.. you just used muse like, 3 times in one sentence, but i understood it all. hahah.

    WE'RE ALL MUSE NERDS! i'm not the one who traveled alone by train and didn't even bother to look for a hotel room or worry about where you'd be sleeping 'cause i had muse in the head too much. so :p! we're both guilty.

    and your username?

    hmm.. maybe you should take a look at the shrine inside my closet.

    wait.. what?

  4. :chuckle: aww. i don't think it's such a bad thing to have the reputation of a geek. it's just striking sometimes that some people don't get things that are really just logical.

    i started to get the same reputation because my marks were always really good, but the truth is that i really didn't try all that much. it's not hard to listen and do the work given. :indiff:

    but i'm glad to hear they stopped calling you a geek soon enough. :D


    and i wasn't saying your family was better than mine. :happy: we just have certain disadvantages.

    but i'm sorry to hear that it's rather hard on the financial aspect on your part. :erm:

    and why does the engineering department get them for free!? :eek: that IS completely unfair. :fear:


    but hey, can't you try to get a job? i know most college students don't really get a job their first year.. that's what i've been thinking of doing. my older brother has already graduated and already has a teaching job and everything :happy:, but even though he got all this stuff paid for as well, he still struggled some in college. :erm: and it honestly wouldn't hurt to have a little stash of back up money just in case you know?


    but in the end, the job depends on how the school-work schedule goes. :(

  5. :chuckle: yeah, i'll never get lonely. :D

    and that's the thing about my college though,

    i chose one that apparently doesn't have the typical small dorm rooms,

    there's only apartments. :happy:

    so i have a room within an apartment which is something incoming freshmen typically don't have. :D


    and speaking of twitter, have you seen the new twitpic of dom? :supersad: he looks exhausted. :(

  6. :dance::dance: YES I KNOW! I WENT TO ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS EVERRR! :dance::dance:

    seriously, you have no idea. it was to die for. my brain just couldn't take in that much awesome. so it indeed melted. :yesey:


    and oh my god how exciting! you muse be there already since you sent that last message on wednesday. i can't wait till you can write me again. to tell me how it is. :D best of luck and best wishes on your new journey. :)


    your textbook system sounds a bit weird. :erm: but i mean, it's manageable. :)

    at least you're getting them for free as well. unlike us. :indiff:


    and me and my roomies get along well, but we're not that close yet. :rolleyes: maybe we can go to another concert if anyone good comes around. :happy:


    i dunno about dom sweating in that wet suit. it looks preeeeetty thin. :eyebrows::LOL:

    but yeah, hope you find internet connection soon! and tell me how your first week of uni went as well. :)

  7. :eek: :eek: :eek: shieeeet. :stunned:



    i think i've been caught. :erm: ... i am indeed trying to take matt's spot as the songwriter in muse. *dun dun dunnnnn!* :srsb33f:


    :LOL: oh you crack me up woman. :D


    but yeah i have a feeling NME doesn't like anything that a lot of people like. :LOL:

    those twats. :rolleyes:

  8. :eek: :eek: :eek: you've discovered my secret! i secretly love nickelback! :erm:

    hahah. you LOSER. :D



    i'm bored more than half the time here too so i understand. :)

    i dunno if i should be disappointed or pwoperly pwoud that i wasn't able to answer the questions on the back of the NME mag correctly. :unsure:

  9. :eek: where did you hear Elisabeth woman!? only my mother calls me that when she's super angry with me. :fear:

    it's really not a pretty sound. :noey:

    hahah. but when you say, it turns me onnn. :eyebrows::LOL:


    and think about what children?

    mine's and dom's future children? :awesome:

  10. :eek::eek::eek:! how could i leave out the part about you violating your fuzzy blanket!? :noey:

    probably because that's what i'm doing right now. :ninja::LOL:


    and ooh girl. :eyebrows: i'm likin' them yusyuses. :LOL:


    it's almost 4:30 am.. and i'm actually tired! that's not normal for me. my bedtime has become 7 am. :facepalm: how horrible is that? :noey:

    i should take advantage of this sudden weariness...

    but claudia! the lolz thread! she calls to meeee! :shifty:

  11. :LOL: "rips out patch of hair"? jeesus woman. :chuckle:

    but nahh. i wasn't too excited. i thought i would be, but i seen it and i was like meh. :erm:

    i am pretty happy for them about the grammy nominations though. :happy:

    i guess what has me kind of ticked off is that it took this fucking country this long to recognize them for their true talents. don't get me wrong, i love The Resistance.. but i mean c'mon, we all know it's not their best. and it just makes me think, if these nitwits had caught on earlier, could you imagine the nominations they would've gotten for amazing albums like OoS, Absolution, and BH&R? it just kinda pisses me off. :indiff:

    but yeah, sorry for ranting. haha.


    and about our musey get-together for the holidays, glittery pastries, glittery hair, leathery pants, and sparkly wetsuits sounds pretty damn awesome. :awesome: as for the brie cheese, i've actually already had some. haha. it's alright. not that great. or maybe i'm just not fancy enough to appreciate the taste. :LOL:


    but yeah, what happened with your dad? :supersad:

  12. :LOL: i'm pretty sure matt and domdom in a hot tub on shrooms would definitely be cause for twitter pictures galore. :D


    and ermm.. i'm afraid i don't understand that last question. :$

    hahah. sorry for my n00bness. :erm:

  13. :LOL: jello brain indeed. :yesey:

    i can't believe it's been a little over a week since that amazing show. :(

    but i don't really have PMS surprisingly enough. :happy: i think my desires for the time being have been satisfied. :yesey:


    and aww. i'm sorry to hear you have to steal someone else's wi-fi. but i mean, there's a reason why those things reach such a far distance right? :awesome:

    since i'm barely replying, i'm assuming uni has already started for you. so how was it? or how is it? :)


    and me and my roomies aren't taking any lessons together. but it's alright. i decided that if i'm meant to make friends soon, it'll happen, and if not, then oh well. :) i feel fine right now. and i'm really starting to feel at home in this place. :D


    i see you've thought long and hard about dom's wetsuit making him sweat in certain situations. :LOL::eyebrows:

  14. :LOL: yeah! that's exactly what it looks like.

    oh those boys, always fueling the slightly disturbing belldom rumors. :rolleyes:

  15. :ninja:jesus christ! another essay! it's like you have a spell over my fingers!


  16. too late!


    i've already jizzed in my pants. :phu:


    and you're LYING! :supersad:

    dommeh is a pwoper MAN with a pwoper healthy penis. :p

    he might not be as fertile as mr. wolstenholme :eyebrows:

    but he'll do. :LOL:






    yes. i made that up myself. OSSUM right? :awesome:

    hahah. no offense to mr. bellamy of course. :)

    he's a little bundle of cuteness. poking fun at his rodenty features means i love him. :yesey:

  18. and i just seen your info section.

    i wouldn't be textually persistent if SOMEONE knew how to end conversations pwoperly. :phu:



    and i'm NOT your secretary! :fear:

  19. aw, i'm glad you had fun on your trip. :happy:

    hahah. and YES! le voy a seguir dando con eclipse. :D

    i'm joking. :) if you don't want your eyeballs to melt out of your sockets, you don't have to go. :LOL:

    but you're more than welcome to come with me and my friends. :yesey:

    and YES. claudia can come watch the horror/comedy film with us. :D



    ohhh. and i can stuff the mexican candy in my bra to get past the movie theatre people. :awesome:

    unless it's noisy wrapped candy and they demand to inspect my bra 'cause of all the noise they hear. :stunned:

    :ninja:i wouldn't mind so much if the inspector was named matt or dom.


    i kid i kid! that's kinda weird... :erm:


  20. aw, i'm sorry to hear the fabric tore when you tried to draw the absolution aliens. :supersad:

    but it's cool. resistance has the best artwork out of all the albums anyway. :D

    that sounds like a really cool bag to make by the way. i wish i could paint well enough to make a bag. :(

    and hey! at least you're trying to play sunburn! so kudos to you! hahah. i couldn't even play little drummer boy pwoperly! :$:LOL:

    i'm sure you'll get it down well enough soon. :)

    are you excited about starting university this year? do you know what you'll be studying? :)

  21. aw, i'm sure you'll take good care of your apartment. :) just no wild parties! :rolleyes:

    and it's a weird bathroom because it's sort of like, not in a secluded room. like the shower is behind these two swing-type doors, and it's covered by a thick white curtain, which is fine by me.

    and then the sinks are right outside next to it. like, in the hallway where the rooms are at. it's strange.. i can't explain it. but it's alright. :) and the bathrooms i just really don't like, it's basically 2 stalls like public restrooms. i mean, none of us mind it so much, but it's just weird. i don't understand why they couldn't just give us a regular bathroom with a shower in it. :rolleyes: i understand the sink situation 'cause there's 4 sinks and a lot of us.. but yeah. it's alright. me and my house mates get to know eachother better everyday. :awesome: so it's really turning out to be something truly awesome.


    and you mean 350 euros right? i don't know how much that is in american money.. :erm:

    what bills do you have to pay?

    oooh. and it's great to hear another muser will be your guide to the city. :awesome:

    i've done my fair share so far, but it's still not enough. i've come to realize that the campus is so huge that i'm not gonna be able to know where everything is at in just 2 days. :rolleyes: so tomorrow, we're just gonna go look for our classes, and then head downtown for the first time. :D

    you have fun exploring as well! :)


    and i just found out that i will be attending the muse gig in LA this sunday! :dance::dance::dance:

    i'm beyond excited. school kind of forces me to forget, but once i remember i'm just like :eek: ZOMG. that's righht! i'm going! :awesome:


  22. aw, so you're not doing something you like? :supersad: that really sucks. i don't know what it feels to not have supportive parents. sometimes my dad asks me what i'm gonna do as writer and i still can't answer him, but it's seriously what i love to do right now. :erm:


    you shouldn't be trying to live up to anyone's expectations. each soul is different, and we all have different gifts to share with the world. it must be hard though. :erm:

    sometimes you gotta get away from home to grow up and find yourself. that's why i moved 3 hours from home for uni. maybe that'll help you as well. :)

  23. aww claudia don't say that! :'(

    i'm going to try to come visit whenever i can.


    but hey! at least my move is happening before the concert. :D

    that means the bitter can be slightly overrode with the sweet. :awesome:


    and yes, my college is really beautiful. it's exactly what i've always wanted. :happy:

  24. aww claudia. hahah.

    i honestly don't care enough about that whole ordeal.

    maffoo has his own life, and i have my own, and there. :)

    as long as none of it interferes with la musica, i'm good. :D

  25. aww, i'm glad you were satisfied with your physics results. :D

    and heyy, your mathematics score is still good! that's probably way better than i would have been able to manage!

    and architecture sounds really exciting to study. :awesome: good luck! <3

    and :LOL: at writing banana on the torn fabric. hahah. it sounds pretty cool anyway just 'cause it says banana. :rolleyes:

    don't feel bad about giving up on sunburn. everyone's great at different things. in the meantime, we can just enjoy maffoo playing his sweet melodies. :yesey:

    and i'll actually be studying english literature with an emphasis in creative writing.

    i absolutely love writing and when i took AP English Literature & Composition in my last year of high school, i grew kind of obsessed with deciphering books/texts/essays and anything of the sort. so i'm actually pretty excited for that. :)

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