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About StarlightNight

  • Birthday 11/04/1993

Personal Information

  • Biography
    I have a twin.
  • Location
  • Interests
    I love to plaay soccer and listen to Muse. I am currently writing a novel.
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  • Favourite Bands
    Declan Galbraith
  • Favourite Films
    Children of Dune series
    Pan's labrynth
    Becoming Jane
    Iron Man
  • Favourite TV Shows
  • Favourite Books
    Science Fiction
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz Origin of Symmetry Haarp Absolution and one song from Hullabbo
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    If they come to the Sprint center...

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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. In Latin, Smile means Miracle. He was Superman, and It was his Kryptonite. But instead of the traditional ‘S’ stitched on his chest, There was a CQ. He had a sly, wolfish grin.

    He would worm his way across any stage, literally. He was a charming Romeo but with no Juliet. His shaggy, black hair fell down his shoulders. Dorian Gray was jealous.

    Lady Liberty draped the Superman cape over his shoulders. And he stood, David among Goliath. But, he would snicker and say, “Sucks to your assmar,” as Ralph had teased Piggy. Or he would imitate Chris Farley with “Fat guy in a little coat.” An irresistible smirk would form on his face He had claimed bragging rights To Excalibur. Once,

    In an attempt to slay a dragon, He dropped the sword handle On his toe and had hopped

    Around for quite some time. A sheepish grin would dance across his face.

    There was no fear in his heart. He wasn’t afraid to frolic and pass one more beer.

    He was a yellow smiley face. With the wave of a hand, He would be King of Camelot.

    Then, he would take off the crown And put on a jester’s hat. But, he declined sympathy

    Saying it was between ‘Shit’ and ‘to bad’ In the dictionary.

    The corners of his mouth would curve upward with pleasure.His eyes would sparkle with eternal youth. He lived in Eden.But, then The Acropolis fell. He rested his head on the pillow.Yet, his smile was beautiful.In our hearts, We began to chant O’ Captain, My Captain. There was always a glitter in his eyes. He knew he was part of something more

    Because he always had a smile on his face.Now, so do I. He was a Miracle.

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