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Everything posted by godtherearenonamesavailabl

  1. oh it was a terrible presentation. some dude basically presented a phd disseratation for 45 minutes after me. not even joking either, 95% of the guy's work was already used for his phd.


    my stuff looked like stuff you do in middle school compared to his work lol.


    i know what you mean about never being all the way ready for a test.

  2. yeah i was finally able to focus on my project for a while today. good thing since i had to give a presentation about it tonight.


    you ready for that psych test yet? haha

  3. wilco: probably anything from "yankee hotel foxtrot"

    ryan adams: to be young

    the hold steady: songs from "boys and girls in america"

    neko case: stuff from "foxconfessor brings the floods"


    so did you get that paper done?

  4. a ton.


    radiohead is my fave, even more than muse. the hold steady, ryan adams, wilco, neko case, i could go on for a while. i listen to a lot of music.

  5. 2005


    stockholm syndrome is my fave, micro cuts, darkshines up there too. plug in baby.


    o well when did you start listening? whats your faves?

  6. i used to not like energy drinks, but i grew to like them. 12 hour car drives by yourself will make you try many different methods of staying awake. so now they're like my third option for caffeine after soda and coffee.

  7. procrastinating, story of my life.


    drinking a rockstar. its keeping me awake, but making me insanely distractable.

  8. what are you doing at minn?


    my name is daniel

  9. aerospace engineering. i'll have my master's in like twelve days.


    no one likes michigan anyways. so no big deal about not going there.

  10. completely done. two degrees done. and U of M? minn or mich?


    indiana is meh, va is the bee's knees.

  11. i'm from virginia. i go to school in indiana. i'm moving back to virginia in two weeks since i'm done with school.


    where are you from?

  12. its to the east of utah...like 800 miles east probably.


    but i'm moving to Washington, DC in two weeks.

  13. ohhh i'm from not there. makes sense tho. what kind of nerd show? like comedy?

  14. i googled "muse new album 2009" and it found a thread here. and maybe i'll be gone in two weeks. who knows how exciting this place can be?

  15. just procrastinating with hyperboarding, no worries...i'll probably be gone in two weeks after finals are finished

  16. thanks crim.


    wanna be bffs?

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