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Posts posted by notyounaanbread

  1. I hope so :awesome:

    And hopefully if I do go back to that dream, that GIGANTIC BEETLE is gone!! :eek:

    I did have a dream that continued on as well . . . but I forget where I was and what happened :LOL:






    Well my first dream I had is nothing Musey, and I jumped out of my sleep 'cause someone pushed me off a stage in my dream :stunned::LOL:

    But my short Musey dream was me interviewing Dom and he was actually trying to ask questions back, but I ignored them completely :(

    But all I could think about in that dream was how gorgeous and beautiful of a man he was :awesome:



    And my sister told me this the other day: Dom cheats on his girlfriends with Muse fans. . . :wtf:

    Is this actually twue? 'Cause I think I'd be more dissapointed than happy with my lil' fangirlness :LOL:

    Yeah im pretty sure it's true. I may be wrong but I think he broke up with his previous girlfriend Jessica because he cheated in her with a girl from myspace! Woah probbaly way to personal!


    I had a bit of an inception style muse dream as, in my dream I dreampted that I had a lusive dream where I was at a muse gig. But I wasnt very good and making my own dreams so the music was awful!

  2. Yet another Muse dream. :facepalm: This is like 5-6 nights in a row. :wtf:


    I had the same for a bit. It was when I gave up Muse for a bit but I finally had to go back on the drug due to my constant muse dreams... It was quite scary actully :p

  3. Me and my friend Sam who have started our own band together, were downtown in the neighboring city just north of mine. Muse was having a concert and afterwards me and my friend were going to stay around and visit a restaurant. After the concert everyone left and we were walking along the street they were having a concert at. A man in a white blazer was putting instruments into a van. It was Matt! We immediately went to talk to him and to my surprise he was nice enough to talk back and answer our questions. Then he gave us his number and said any time we wanted to do a show together we could just call him and he'd say yes. Best ever! haha

    I forgot that I was on the dreams thread and I thought this really happend! Aww what a let down I was so amazed!

  4. Alot of other stuff happen but all i can remeber is well i was standing in my babygrow in a shop and i saw Dom so i bought Stadium Arcadium an album but Red Hot Chilis and got him to sign it. (Not quite sure why I picked that album) Well we talked for abit and hugged a few times but the weird thing is Dom groped me :stunned:. The fact that i was wearing a babygrow especially adds to that fact that iam under aged... :LOL:

  5. Last night I had a weird dream that I was in a Muse cover band and I played bass and I could tell I wasn't too good, but I could still play Hysteria and Time is Running Out as well as Chris. And then... randomly... we realised the only person in the audience was a woman in her 50s/60s who wanted to hear '40ft' by Franz Ferdinand.



  6. I have been have so many muse dreams lately... Too many! I've had five in a row.


    My most recent one was well em pretty strange... I was invited to a holiday home by the boys, and well I was in the bath and trio were adding different ingredients to make the bath water taste nice. But saddly Matt said that the water didn't go very well and was going to pull the pull out but unfortunately chris had drank it all already. :LOL:

  7. I had a dream that Matt was filling in for my math teacher. He kept saying "Don't tell anyone I'm here!" and looked nervous and worried all the time. No one except me knew who he was. He let us talk for the whole period and gave us cupcakes in the end.



    Matt was my teacher in a dream aswell but i was being really mean to him :$


    I've had 2 dreams recently, one Matt gave me a VIP pass to their last concert of ther tour in South Africa? :facepalm:

    And one where me and Matt sung Wonderwall and I did percussion. :eek:


    :LOL: Wonderwall cover Id like to see that!


    Anyway a few weeks ago i had a Muse nighmare... well it wasnt really scary but i woke up very unsettled :p. So me and my sister went to see them live in this like really hudge glitterball, and during songs Matt kept comming up to us and telling my sister to pull her top up because her boobs were out a bit and he didnt like this. My dream self really didnt like this and i was quite upsett so i walked off and found Chris who was running around a bit (Not sure why he was meant to be in a gig) and got some photo with him:D. Then I found Matt again doing some 'dirty' dance moves but it was a one man show on and he was like grinding by himself on another stadge, I found this strangly offensive.... and thats when i woke up.

  9. I never fancied Mathew untill this one dream I had. Not that's it's kinky in anyway. I was in prof. Trelawney(harry potter) class room wearing a 'i heart m' top which stood for I love muse. I then saw matt, Dom and chris standing in the middle of the room!(thus connecting my two loves muse and harry potter!;)) I went up and they signed my iPod. But saddly they signed the screen so I was a bit annoyed!



    I've had plently more but they went on wayy to long and don't make sense. Somthing about chinnese hospitals, toilets and of corse MUSE

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