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Posts posted by Popelady

  1. I had this really cool Muse dream the other night!

    It was like a map of the world but all of the land was like orange and the water was dark blue (I think it was like the Eurasia treasure hunt map but I forgot what that looked like) anyways, it had Eurasia and North America and South America and all the continents and stuff and then they all started moving towards the middle of the map and then they all collided and became one! It was pretty cool because when they all hooked up there was a little "ching!" sound.


    awesome dream.

  2. i had a dream last night that my health class was in my old elementary school and we were sitting in the back and these three kids i was sitting next to were talking about muse ("you dont have to get the resistance on the release date! you can save your money and get it on the 22nd!") and i was like "wow! you guys are muse fans?! me too!" and then this other kid walked by and i was like "so is he!" and i was intending to ask if they were boardies but i guess i didnt.


    goooooood dream


  3. i had a dream it was the 15th and i had the Resistance in my hands!:eek::happy::happy:

    but apparently i had to wait so my dad could burn 2 copies of it because i guess i wasnt allowed to ever listen to the original


    but i had it in my hands! i was holding it! here, the term "so close, yet so far away" is echoing in my head


  4. :LOL::LOL:

    last night i had a dream that i was in that one horror movie halloween but it was dom chasing me in the slipknot mask trying to force me to listen to them after i promised myself no Muse untill the resistance


    my 8 hour streak was broken by hysteria.


  5. really weird/beautiful muse dream last night

    so Citizen Erased was playing loud and for the first few seconds it was just black and then when when the lyrics set in it was like this small pale girl being yelled at in an interogation room and then at "the truths unwinding scraping away" it was like these big loony bin nurses had to come and take her away and lock her up. and then at the slow part "self expressed exhausting for all" it was like everyone was just walking away from her and she was left alone. And then when it started to pick up at like the middle of the song (which was playing louder than ever) it was like she was getting angry and she was throwing things and at the "for one moment i wished you'd hold your stage" everything around her was just crumbling away and she was just screaming and then when it slowed down again it was like she was naked and wrapped up in an old army issue green blanket in a dark hallway that was lighter as you went east and she was just sobbing into her arms. and then as the song lifted up she stood up and started walking down towards the light and there were stairs at the end and the bottom stair was black and the stairs were wide and tall and they went from black to gray to the top stair which was just pure white and as she reached the top stair it was an arch way with a drain and matt was singing wash it away and then water started pouring and she was all clean and then at "erase all the memories" her hair and skin just kind of started falling away and she was just like those figures on the absolution cover but all white and at "ive seen all i'll ever be" she walked to the edge and just fell down into just black.

  6. i had a weird dream last night!

    it was like i lived in the huge mansion but i couldnt go on the third floor but one day i did cuz all the other bathrooms were full so i went to the bathroom on the third floor and it was like ghosts attacking me while i was peeing and then i asked someone why there were ghosts and that person was like "there are no ghosts! thats matt and chris up there!" and i was like


  7. i took a nap today


    it was them and me on a raft listening to new born (which was playing on my ipod while i slept) but the in the dream new born matt was singing everything an octave higher and i started making fun of him for it and chris pushed me off of the raft.

    i jumped up in my seat like you do when you have those dreams like you fell or are falling


    bad chris!

  8. i had a weird cool actually kinda normal dream last night

    me and dom were walking on a sidewalk along a flower bed and then he picked a flower and i hit it out of his hands and just glared at him.


    i guess it was kinda more of a weird dream

  9. :LOL:

    last night in my dream i was about to go to bed and i was like "lets dream about Muse tonight!" so in my dreams dream me and dom were on the high school swim team doing ballet :stunned:

    and then chris was playing bass at the side of the pool

    and then matt was standing in the pool holding our medals


    dom in a speedo


  10. I don't have dreams about Muse so much as their songs play in the background of my dreams. Clearly, too. I know exactly what song is playing (and wake up singing it). Does that happen to anyone else?


    has happened to me once. but i usually wake up singing some sort of song.

    (mostly my own that i create in the previous dream)

    but only one time a muse song.

  11. For what? Uprising?


    yeah ever since the treasure hunt i just stay up all night on here for the fun of it.

    im pretty sure uprising will play at a decent time in the morning too.

    haha i can always day dream and that way i choose what happens!


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