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Posts posted by Popelady

  1. Funny...I just happen to dream last night of Matt being shirtless, wearing black leather jeans, and had lots of tattoos!! Not only that,but they brought along a psychobilly band..."Zombie Ghost Train" to open up for them and I was watching all of this on t.v with my friends... :stunned: weird I tell you!



    Like the guy here in the background?

  2. Was just watching FlashForward and saw this. I was ecstatic. Watched it a few times. Went well with the vibe of the show, and love the huge "WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!" at the end.:D So cool.



    My parents are watching that show right now and as soon as I read this I ran in there and stole the remote from them


    IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

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