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Status Updates posted by BellamyJuice

  1. thank you so much for the message you sent me about my signature. I appreciate it a lot. sadly I haven't been here for months, so I've just read it. I agree. that song is great!

    Thank you so much Zoe

  2. thank you sooo much, I will keep that in mind :) you're right, we're just like a family. I feel at home when we're all in the PMT, joking around :) thanks again :kiss:

  3. you're right. depression has nothing to do with PMT. especially because it's so much fun, especially thanks to you and Maria. let's just keep on having fun all together, ok? I'll try to forget that girl right now. :kiss:

  4. thank you so much :kiss: I really appreciate it! I really don't want to leave because here I've found a lot of good and caring people. I'll start posting again in some minutes. Thanks again, really :)

  5. well it really upset me, actually. she started sending me private messages, telling me that a friend of her suffered from depression after reading the PMT. actually, I hardly thought that the PMT could cause this, and I told her so. And then she started being rude. I don't know, this things let me down...

  6. hey Netty! I'm feeling better today. what about you?

  7. exactly my point. and if nobody is going to explain it to me, you're not in the position of being touchy with me. I'm not a narrowminded person, but since you're not up to a confrontation, let's close the topic. goodnight.

  8. I understand your point of view, really. anyway, you're telling me that there are lots of people against the recent PMT, but nobody says anything. I mean I never heard of these protests against it.

  9. I'm 19.

    I'm really sorry about your friend but I don't think that the PMT could have worsened her conditions... I mean, it's just a thread. Depression is not funny and I know it for experience, sadly. As I already told you, I don't know the difference. If you want to explain to me, I'll listen, because right now I can only tell you that those girls are funny and nice (my opinion towards them won't change, though)

  10. I don't know how it used to be so I don't understand the difference. I didn't find the first PMTs on the messageboard.

    Actually I have fun with them, they're good girls and they're also really funny.

  11. no!!!! don't stop! you've made my days with your captions (AM's too)! you can't stop, really. pleaaaseee!!! everyone adore you two. really.

  12. oh thanks. well it's more fun like this, anyway :happy:

    thanks again for the explaination

  13. you're welcome :kiss:

    I didn't even know that this thread originally was made not as an appreciation thread :S

  14. I don't like the things that person is telling about you and AM. just, keep in mind that we will always back you up, ok? PMT wouldn't be the same without you two.

  15. it totally understandable. Matt is simply... Matt :LOL:

  16. :LOL: :LOL: you're too funny
  17. :LOL: :LOL:

    and I guess that you return the favour... wouldn't want the dr to be ill, now, right? :D

  18. you're soooo lucky to have a dr all to youself... especially if it's Dr Bellz :LOL:

  19. I'll be on Msn in like... half an hour or so.

    So, talk to you soon! ;)

  20. Dr Bellz? sounds like a plan! :D

  21. Anche io sto bene! (I'm feeling good too)

    Apart from the flu, but I'm desperately trying to cope with it! *sigh*

  22. Hello there! How are you?

    p.s. Florence is really nice, I was there on a school trip 2 years ago!

  23. Ciao!!! Come stai? (How are you?)

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