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Everything posted by tails

  1. Haha okaaaaay okaaaaay :p


    Yeah you're right really, always releasing loads of things unless you practically stalk them you're pretty much always a bit behind :LOL: But well great! :D


    And it's no problem at all of course, thanks again for sorting out Skrillex and Deadmau5 for me as well!


    Awww, mwaaaaah! xxxxxx

  2. Haha alright alright! Just saying is all!


    Okay well great, He's got so much stuff out there floating about as well, I've just been lazy at staying up to date with his more recent tracks and everything...but cool that sounds good dear :D


    Ah I see, well they have their pretty distinct sound as well so if you liked Lex then you probably wouldn't have a problem with most of their other tracks. So no problem of course, my pleasure!

  3. Haha okay, just feel like an idiot as I had completely forgotten I didn't have them on my hard drive! Ah well though, I'll sort it for you soon :)


    And yeah that's right, I do remember mentioning him to you a while back and everything, so hopefully you'll like the stuff I've got so far. One of the tracks is a 45 minute long mixtape type thing as well, so just a long mashup of a lot of his tracks...but the newest stuff of his I have are some of those tracks from his Timestretch EP. And even then, I don't have everything from it. Sorrrry!


    But ah well nice one :D I don't have that track as it happens, I just downloaded a few randoms a while back and never got back to ever downloading a complete album haha. So again, sorry about that...but cool sounds great :happy:

  4. Okaaaaay so I'm sorry I forgot to add my Infected Mushroom tracks to my hard drive before I left this weekend..so it's all still on my other PC but I'll get those sorted for you on Monday!


    But in the meantime here's Bassnectar:



    and I don't know if you've heard of Ratatat? But I have just a handful of their tracks and figured I'd upload them and send them to you as well. They're alright (I think so at least :LOL:)




    So yeah, both have their own distinct sounds and whatnot...Bassnectar is really heavy on the filthy-sounding bass (if that makes sense? haha) so with him I think you either like his stuff or you don't, so let me know what you think! And Ratatat is pretty chill-sounding overall...so again, I think with their sound you either like it or you hate it as well....soooo yeah :happy:

  5. Haha did you just stumble across that randomly?! What a find! What a find :cool::LOL::LOL:


    Sweet of you to think of me as well, not just because I find it unusually hilarious but also I've always said I have hamster/chipmunk cheeks myself haha :p


    Yeah I don't know, just an off-week I'm feeling like?! Ugh I don't know, it's not even hard material it's just even the slightest effort to go about finding these answers throughout my notes, the book, and our lecture slides is putting me off. But I have to make some progress tonight as I hardly did at all the last two! So I'll be fine, once I just stop being a dick and distracting myself on here haha.


    Ahhh you have? You overachiever :phu: Clearly we're rubbing off on each other as I can't be arsed to do any work at the moment and you've gone and finished up what you wanted to do. Dick! :p

  6. pffffffthahahahahaha I just burst out laughing, did not expect that :LOL::LOL:




    Also....I'm going in 10 minute intervals of studying and doing nothing....why can't I concentrate?!

  7. Haha ohhh right! I do remember now...so seeeeee I do listen! :D Yeah not in the one I'm at now at least, but back in the one I was in last year we could. But that was a super posh-like place anyways...probably like your flat then :p Haha and I was teaaaaaasing!


    I know, I know :( ughhh it's just, I don't want to study environmental issues and terms and whatnot. Maybe I'll just skim over a few things tonight but start properly tomorrow. The exam is Friday so 4 days of proper studying should help. Although I haven't read a single thing from the textbook because I found a spelling error within two pages of our first assigned chapter we had to read back in September so after that I said "fuck this" and haven't opened the book since :LOL: And hmmm well yeah I find starting is usually the hardest part, but once you get that down usually it goes fairly smoothly from there? And I wouldn't worry about going into too much detail just yet. I mean just generally stating the basics of your situation/interests/questions/etc should do? But yeah if you need any help just let me know, I'd definitely be willing to take a look at it of course :)


    Haha oh my god are you a spoiled little child or what!? And oh really? With what money Gary? :p


    Do you now! Oh man I can only imagine :LOL: I actually saw a commercial on TV today about some car doing their winter testing on Minnesota roads and the tagline being something like "If you have winters worse than this, you don't need a new car. You need a new place to live"


    I might have gotten a bit offended :mad:

  8. You were? Haha honestly I don't remember that :LOL: But I mean, usually anyone can control the water and heating at all times in a house! But awww well I mean, a cold shower never hurt anyone eh? :p Haha and shut up, (it's kind of true though :( )


    Yeaaah, now I've actually progressed to getting my textbook and a notebook as well....but haven't opened either of them :LOL: But I know what you mean, let me know if you need any help with it...I hate starting off formal-like emails as well, they suck.


    Yeah our building just has a small laundry facility down the hall, it's not tooooo bad...and I doubt anyone would steal anything as well as the building isn't that large, so we'd most likely find out who stole clothes at some point. I just hate the hassle of it. I usually just bring some things home to wash when I go home on certain weekends.

  9. Haha does it take that long for it to get warm? Talk about behind the times :p Haha but sounds good. I still haven't really done much studying except for download the study guide :facepalm: fuck sake!


    Also, I hate doing laundry here....I'm always afraid someone's going to steal my clothes....:erm:

  10. ughhh I know....I really should be studying as well but DAMNIT!

  11. :LOL: It's fine! I've been procrastinating as well :facepalm: I'll catch you in a bit though!
  12. OH and look what I found :awesome::awesome::awesome:





  13. Oh my god, you actually googled "Bearded Clamshells" ??? :LOL::LOL:


    That said though, shame this place is in Missouri....looks like an adventurous good time!


    Do you think they knew what they were doing when they named it? :LOL:

  14. Yeah I'm sure it is without a doubt haha. But welllll that's sweet of you, always love being compared to a football team :happy:....:p Kidding you know! But whaaaaat come on, come on. For one we are on a Muser forum, and two, Franz Ferdinand are great :D So shut uuuuup! And yeah okay :LOL:


    Ahh I see, but yeah they do apparently! Haha but that surprises me I guess...yeah I wonder who actually would show up. And you have a point with that I'm sure haha. Whaaaaaaaat!? :stunned: That's as bad as that movie Cool Runnings with the Jamaican bobsled team. Just....no :noey:


    Haha I know the full potential of the word thank you :p But shut up you dick, like you know anything about the Chinese other than the fact that you can blind them with tooth floss! Sorry that was incredibly racist :LOL: Stop it with that black guy's dick for once jeeeeeeeeesus!


    Ah well nice one, at least that'll help surely having three days to work on it. I can never finish a paper or anything like that in one day....I usually give myself a week :LOL:


    Aww well that means a lot as well you know? And I know I've said this before though, but I just don't want to be one of those people that just bitches about everything all the time. Soooo I don't know, just glad you never mind, even if you don't consider it ranting haha. And shut up, I think they changed it! So, not my fault! But this just means I have no excuse now not to catch up with the reading and to do well on this really! So yeah I'm sure it'll be fine.


    I think you might have just text me, but I was almost done with this so am posting it anyways :LOL: But if you're around and free now I definitely can be as well!


    Haha I know, he got it professionally done....it's hilarious :LOL: And yeah you're right.....people tend to warm better towards dogs than midgets usually haha...

  15. Ahhh yes :LOL::LOL: He totally does! But yeah I know, makes me so proud of humanity haaaaa.....But yeah I don't know, football is pretty serious over here, it makes people a bit mental. Kind of like Oasis fans......:p


    Oh really? That's a bit random maybe...but I don't know haha. Denver, Colorado! I think they're the Broncos. Huh, I would have never guessed it'd have even a decent turnout really. But I guess they wouldn't keep doing it if that weren't the case. Hahaha I can only imagine :LOL:


    Haha thanks for explaining the usage of the word "weiner" Gary :p And omg a weiner factory hahahahaha!


    Well that sounds good then you know? And at least you talked to your lecturer so you both have an understanding now of what the other's thinking and probably what he's expecting as well. So I'd just go with what you feel most confident with and I'm sure it'll turn out great :happy:


    Aww of course you know? And come on, it's expected to have to rant about coursework now and again, so don't be silly! And to be fair I know I rant a lot about everything even though you say I "really don't" :$ And yeah I just checked actually, and I thought this assignment was due by midnight tomorrow but it's "11:55 PM on Thursday" haha so I think I'll probably just try to tackle the reading up until then and do this Thursday night before it's due. Hopefully I don't have any other surprise assignments up until then though! But thanks you know, that's sweet of you :happy:


    Aww well I can't wait either :D So yeah let me know when you're done for the night and we'll definitely sort something soon!


    Hahaha I know, I know...so random! But yeah we could be business partners, talk about a nightmare :p Kidding! :D

  16. OH! And I just posted this on facebook, but my friend as a joke got me an entire box of business cards like that :LOL: :LOL: It's completely random and I have no idea what to do with them :LOL:

  17. Haha no no he totally does :LOL: So yeah, I'm with you there....it really has to be the whole persona he plays off, that and the fact that he makes millions!


    :LOL: That's hilarious though....seriously people are obsessed and literally worship him....:erm:


    I doubt the Vikings ever would make it there....I didn't even know that happened to be honest?! But yeah if by some chance they do, and people know what happened, I hope he would get nothing less than a standing ovation haha.


    Aww yeah I see what you mean I guess :happy: But yeah it's fantastic. I need to use it more in every day interactions with people!


    Oh right, okay. Well is it too late to change to a different company or would you want to if this one is proving to be a bit difficult to know where to even start with? If not that though, I mean if you seem to be making sense of it yourself and with your own knowledge than just go with that and don't use the notes if all they seem to do is make you second-guess yourself? You're not ranting at all though so doooon't worry, just don't want you to be getting down about it or anything because I know you'll do just fine :D I'm doing alright, yeah! Trying to work out this extra credit assignment for my anatomy and physiology class when I haven't even read the chapters required for the new unit yet, so I'm trying to kind of learn as I go I suppose. But I really should actually sit down and read these chapters at some point. Problem is they're like 100 pages each almost...so it's just hard to even start. But the longer I put it off the more I'll have to make up. Sucks :( But I'll manage!


    Ahhh okay, as long as that's okay for you though? I'll probably try to go a bit earlier my time as well anyways since, as you said, I do have a bit of an earlier one. But just make sure you get done what you need/want to okay :) So yeah that all sounds great, I'll catch you in a bit then :D

  18. Oh nice one! Yeah loads of people here think he's so handsome and whatnot...he just looks old and yeah, mentally retarded if you want to be all harsh about it :LOL:


    Yeah I know, NO ONE outside of the U.S. even cares or hardly acknowledges football over here, but I mean worldwide publicity once you pull your dick out :cool:


    Why is that sweet?! :LOL:


    Oh nooo really? Hmmm does it help for you to at least make some notes or an outline of the things you do understand or know you need to incorporate, and then try to find some links and pull it all together that way, rather than just trying to start in the middle of it all and hope it comes together eventually? And yeah, they were the easiest parts of what I had to do though, but at least got them out of the way. But I still have a good chunk yet left as well that I'll probably be working on for a while. But awww you, I hope you're doing okay even with all the work you've got to do. :) What time are you planning on getting some sleep as well? We'll surely catch each other at some point noooo worries :happy:

  19. :LOL: Where did you even find that!? Nevermind, I don't even want to know :LOL:


    But yeah, if anything this is hopefully what he'll be known for after his career is done. Fuck all those years in the NFL being a "legend", texting pictures of your wiener is the way to go :yesey:


    And yes I said wiener. That's a great word.



    Also, aren't you supposed to be doing work? Slacker! :p I've just finished 2 assignments....I don't want to have to do anymore :(

  20. :D and fiiiine, I know you don't...but I did get you to at least admit those one bats were cute :happy:


    Ew gross :p Haha kidding, that might work out...maaaaaybe! Ohhh come on, don't be like that :kiss::happy: Yeah the last two I saw were bigger than most spiders I ever see over here! You really don't get any that are that large at all?


    Ohhh no, I hate that. :( What class is this work for?


    Yeah so far I've received one message twice, and that's it really! Haha but don't worry about it, just let me know either on here or if the texts start working eventually, through there and I'm sure we'll sort something at some point! I should be on and off here as well so nooo worries :happy: Aww and neither can I!

  21. I know you're not, which is great you know? :D And yeah but the bats were cute....I was just trying to get you to expand your horizons :(


    Haha I might actually ;) But yeaaaah I will, I will :rolleyes: And they're bigger than spiders usually, what are you talking about!? Also, they can be on ceilings too you know...I once had a massive red one on the ceiling in my bedroom at home. Still haunts me to this day *shudders* :(


    Now go stop procrastinating! :p

  22. Hahaha :D And come on, it's deserved and you know it....and there's more where that came from. :phu:


    In the next year I need to be out of this insect-infested apartment I'm currently at that's for sure. But of course I'll use your services to kill those monstrosities :happy: I don't get how you can manage with centipedes though but when it comes to spiders you cry a fucking river :LOL:

  23. Hahaha awww you :happy: you're such a cunt :p But yeah, you don't see me posting things like this on your wall do you?!




    Oops :p



    Buuut yeah I bet it is, I bet it is! I can't believe I've seen 2 centipedes within just a couple days of each other...and at both of the places where I live. :( WHAT IS GOING ON!

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