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  1. Ah, no worries! To tell you the truth, I've not been on here much either, I've been revising :indiff:


    Oh, good :happy: I spent a lot of time playing Guitar Hero and eating :$ Eating TOO MUCH actually.... *sigh* I used the "oh, it's New Year" excuse too many times :rolleyes:


    Hehe, we don't have to do Christmas for another year, so thats a relief! Don't get me wrong, I do like it, it's just a bit expensive.. I haven't played GH much, I played it a lot after Christmas and before New Year, but that wasn't on Career Mode, it was just on Quickplay, but I haven't had much time to play it since I've had exams.. But I'm going to try and get some more songs soon!


    Haha, its good to catch up, not live in each others pockets all year :indiff: And kids are so tiring! It's unbelievable how much energy they have! Which makes me feel so old :(


    Hm, maybe if my friends were fans and were willing to go with me, I might have been allowed, but theres always next time!


    Revising is going rather well, but I keep getting distracted by EVERYTHING! It's ridiculous, I don't know how other people get any work done, all I think about is other stuff that I could be doing instead! It doesn't bode well :supersad: Maybe its just my subconscience trying to get out of it :indiff:


    Hehe, just your presence adds many, many cool points to Minnesota ;) I will definitely try to persuade my Auntie, next time we go over! What would you recommend in Minnesota? I don't really know much about it :$


    Yup, Top 40s are usually general SHITE. There was a song on the radio the other day (think it was Kanye West :indiff:) and my auntie was "oh, whats this?" And I was like, "oh, erm Kanye West, just more chart rubbish"...and she said "well, it must be good, if its in the charts!" And I was like ffs, you don't grasp the concept that just because something is popular, DOES NOT MEAN IT IS GOOD. YOU HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE OF THE CHARTS TO GET SOME GOOD MUSIC. By the way, she likes music such as A-ha, Bryan Adams and other 80s stuff, so why she wasn't switching over, I do not know. So I turned over for her :p I totally know what you mean, a Miley Cyrus video (yawn) was on TV the other day and I was like :stunned: Is this what people like now? *shudder* I would absolutely HATE it for Muse to become Coldplay-mainstream...as much as I like Coldplay, I just wouldn't want Muse to become that well-known..


    Hah, that clip ended up making me cry with laughter, I absolutely LOVE the Royle Family <3 Good old British humour :LOL:




    Thought you might find these funny :D


    J x

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