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  1. I have to wait until I'm 17, then I can finally start having lessons, then I need to pass my theory test, then the actual driving test... GAH. I'll be surprised if I pass before I'm 18.


    Oh well, I can save money for now :happy:


    The majority of our family doesn't drink full stop. Except my auntie. She doesn't usually drink, but she has a weakness for Buck's Fizz :rolleyes: And now I do too...but only at Birthdays/special occasions...and with extra orange juice to dilute it :indiff:


    Yup, favourite. And neighbourhood (and neighbour too :p) Doughnut...there are loads, but I just can't think of any at the mo :p Um...we say arse, you say ass. :eek: I just checked wikipedia and you spell it mustache? Thats ridiculous :D Tire...we spell it tyre. And sidewalk...we say pavement, and we say the boot of a car, as opposed to the trunk.


    oooh, seeing as I'm doing chemistry homework at the moment, sulphur. You spell it sulfur, but now we have to start spelling it sulfur :'( And mom...we say mum. (or mother, whatever :p)


    Beer pong? Tippy cup? lol they sound...um...fun? :LOL:


    J x

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