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Posts posted by frenziedsilence

  1. *lol* lifted up?! That's scary. Probably slightly exhilarating too! I'm 5'1" and being lifted up would be helpful. :LOL:


    I just talked to my mum on the phone and she told me I should get there early in April so I can get a spot on the rail in front of Matt. I said "do you want your daughter to be crushed to death?" :rolleyes: Mum's always been a rocker. And she loves Muse. She's sad she can't go to the show with me. heh

  2. This thread rawks.

    I was on the rail at Tuesday's Seattle show, but I was way off to the right in front of the PA stacks. It was pretty tame there. I'm pretty tiny and came out bruise-free.


    I must share my one bad pit experience though - Dave Gahan's solo tour in 2003, of all things. I was 2nd back from the rail, just left of centre, and by the time the show was over my legs felt like rocks from holding myself up against the sea. There was some dipshit boi behind me who started from the back and eventually barreled himself through to the front & didn't care what he did to get in. He heaved the girl next to me over the rail though she protested, and smooshed himself up to the rail REEEEEACHING for Dave. Security pulled his stupid ass out and we all cheered. What a dingus.

    I couldn't walk the next day. :p


    I think for April I'm going to pick an area right around Chris and stick to it. I had a pretty good view in Seattle, and didn't get injured. :)

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