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About RenegadeOfFunk

  • Birthday 10/17/1993

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  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Liverpool, Echo Arena 5.11.09
    Manchester, LCCC 4.9.10

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  1. Heej Jules,

    I really like your name :D Sounds frenchlike ^_^ (In matter of speaking; tomorrow is my final exam French :( I'm in the final year of VWO; I'm told that its compairable with Grammarschool in England. But I guess I'll fail this year... Well, if so, I'll just have to wait one more year for Uni ;) )

    My first language is Dutch (which is not German :p I'm from the Netherlands). It's also the language that I want to study on Uni ^_^ (Biggest dream = being author)


    RATM was on Pinkpop which was in the south of our country. I live in North. And I WAS allowed to go, IF more than two people joined me (I was end 16 at the time). Well, since I only knew one friend that kind of likes festival/rock music <_<

    But that same person is going to join me in the MUSE concert, if we get the tickets.


    Wow, I typed way to much again. Hope you don't mind ^_^

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