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Posts posted by jdog44

  1. hey there! thanks for the info and youtube videos! I think for sure I'll be at the barrier then (thats if I make it, although i'm going to line up fairly early before the Chicago show).


    OMG, i can't wait. 2 days!!! THen i have to wait 182 days to see them at Wembley!

  2. i searched this thread and couldn't find my answer but sorry if its been asked already...



    If you are at barrier for their shows, will you miss a lot of action when they are atop the pillars? I know they start the first two songs up there and I'm wondering if I'll miss seeing them if i'm all the way up at front.


    So can you see the show well if you are right up front?

  3. I was vacationing in Colombia this August when all of a sudden, at 3 AM, I heard "New Born" playing at the bar i was in. This was in a tiny tiny town called Calarca and they were playing muse. I went and talked to the bar owner and he said he is a huge muse fan as well. He ended up letting me choose like another 5 songs of theirs to play.


    That was pretty awesome!

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