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naget4music last won the day on March 7 2023

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About naget4music

  • Birthday 07/13/1991

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    Girl who sung on national radio and met Muse.
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    Where women glow and men plunder
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  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Big Day Out 2010

    Rod Laver Melb,14th December 2010
    Rod Laver Melb, 2013
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  1. Dear Tegan,


    Do you want your feminism to be self defining, or incidental? What I mean by that is, do you want to be known as Tegan the feminist, or Tegan who among other things sees the issues feminism highlights as being important. The reason that I ask this is that I see you writing the word feminism a lot lately, and it reminds me of when I say I am into history, and then I worry people will think of me as "Kyle, the guy who likes history". Then I get quizzed sometimes and am clueless as I have only really started to read up on these things.


    This isn't me urging you not to be vocal and proud, but it's me wondering how exactly you want to be seen in the end. Now that I am an old and crippled man, I find that a lot of the act of believing something lies in contemplation as opposed to declaration. I guess I am writing to you mainly because I see a lot of people making the usual canned jokes at you in response to the word feminism that always come up, and it seems like an annoying series of back and forths to have.


    This is Sven, over and out.

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