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Posts posted by sinead-city_of_delusion

  1. im starting to overdream now usally two a night but resently 4 O.o


    most resent muse dream




    i was in the school basketball court out side and Matt was there,in the red jacket,sitting there with a new black and white manson

    he let me play it,i think it started to rain and we were both sitting there.i tried to play it but he kept staring at me o.o

    and i couldnt get suppermassive black hole right cause i was so paranoid.i couldnt work the chaos pad and i asked him what was wrong and he just stared at me,my mate then came and said "it needs the key" and im like where is it? "i have it" then she opened up a hold in the ground and got the key and pressed a botten on it and i woke up




    sorry for any mistakes

    im lossing the ablity to type

  2. hang on... is it the kind of wet I'm thinking of, or water-wet?

    because if it IS that kind of wet, then you have dirty dreams for a 13 year old.


    I've never had a dream where someone was wet...

    except for that one time where - I'll shut up now.



    lmao wet as in water wet:LOL:

  3. :eek::stunned:






    i know weird.........:stunned:

    he wont go away he was in last nights one aswell,but he wasnt wet,i had a video made about him and it was really funny and i was gunna show all my friends,,,,,then it turned into a sort of nightmare....someone who uses the muse forum alot died in my dream:stunned:and it was sad...and very scary


    Eww, that's just really creepy and a bit scary:eek:



    i have been having very scary freaky dreams lately and for some reason Dom kept popping up in the last two i had:stunned:i dont remember them i just remember Dom was wet in one and in the other he was wet again but there was two of him:stunned:

  5. i had two more one was......i dont remember:$well i can remember Matt came into my school but he was like a goth and i can really clearly remember he had a clear nose stud..........yeah


    the other one was the country was corrupt and no1 took any notice and then i saw muse walking down the road and they were giving out about the goverment here and they said they were gunna do sumtin about it so they went to the pesident's office and i didnt see them for a while the next time i saw them it was a public hanging and muse where up there with the ropes around their necks and everyone was shouting and cheering on the exacutioner and then they hung em and i woke up



    may be having weird dreams but at least im sleeping abit better now:happy:

  6. I need tips on how to make myself dream Matt:LOL:


    eat cheese before you go to bed(that also migth keep you awake allllllllll night:stunned:)

    or listen to muse before to sleep or watch him(DVD or youtube) and that might help

    it might,it hasnt been working for me

    i havnt dreamt muse in aaaaaaggggeeeeesss!!!!:(

  7. Well why you chose this thread of all places I don't know :LOL:


    You sure you clicked on Save Changes afterwards? :erm:


    yeah i did

    don't ask me why i picked this thread to ask the question:$:LOL:

    now back to trying to sort this out:stunned:

  8. im gunna sound so stupid for asking this but......can anyone tell me how to make my age show on that thingy(im new and i havnt got a clue:$)i clicked the thing that says "show my age" and its still not showing:stunned:

  9. erm.....it was a halloween party i was having and no one had turned up,so started to play my guitar.After a few mins there was a knock on the door i answered it and it was muse,and for some weird reason i has gifts for them0__o(?)and the gifts where in little boxes and had whoever the gift was for face on it,i saw the faces and started cooing at them like they where a baby,this freaked muse out but they came in for the party,i wouldn't give them their gifts cause i was too busy playing with them(0__o)then there was another kncok on the door and it was a monster from the nightmare before christmas it i asked it what it wanted and it said "the master is here" and then my friend called to the door wearing a cape




  10. i had a weird dream where me and my mate where in spar giggling at random stuff and then we met muse and they were doing the same thing and then dom picked up a newspaper and it had muse on it and then when we looked at it it was like a comic book and then we all fell around the place laughing(we then got kicked out)Matt shouted out that he wanted to go see some puppies so to shut him up we all went to a dog breeders house and this creepy man answered the door and told us that the puppies where in the shed and he took us there and then pushed us in and locked the door.Matt complained about not knowing where the puppies were,when we turned around it wasnt a shed it was a huge hardware store that never ended.We wondered around there for ages laughing at everything and Matt still taught he was going to see puppies.We saw dog collars and Dom and Chris put one on Matt and laughed and then i woke up:stunned:

    thats one of two weird muse dreams i had

    im going to go get tea now:p

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