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Posts posted by gunnerthekiwi

  1. ;7592799']i prefer your band actually!

    i love the bits where its completely like just weird rhtyhms, maybe thats just my style of music but keep the constant chords and normal drum beats for choruses, more weird stuff!


    Haha, the only reason the drums are like that is because we can't afford decent mics for drum recording so we just use Garageband loops. Thanks though!

  2. :LOL: were you in the lift like '... oh hey, aren't you that guy from that band? The uh... Horrors or something?', trying to be all casual?


    No, it wasn't quite that casual :LOL:. The lift door was about to close so I ran and stuck my foot in the door. Then I said "fancy seeing you here." I must have looked like a twat but he just laughed so it was all good :happy:

  3. And Gunner, you've grown so much since 07! (was your first name Matt? can't quite remember :$) Looks like an awesome show in the cave.


    Yeah that's my name. And have I really? I am about half a foot taller now I suppose haha.


    And yes, that gig was probably the best I've been to, apart from the first Muse one which was pretty much a turning point in my life.

    More pics.














  4. It was the night before actually, and on into the morning of Big Day Out. Bandicoot (who are all only 15 and opened Big Day Out at 10:30) actually played as one of the support acts so I assume they must've been knackered :LOL:


    That gig probably had the best atmosphere of any gig I've been at though. The location, the DIY nature of it all and the people there just made it perfect for me :happy:

  5. Really liked Muse at Big Day Out, although it wasn't as magical as the first time I saw them. Pretty predictable setlist also.


    Had a really good time meeting and seeing The Horrors though, who were the band I was most looking forward to. I saw them leaving Real Groovy and discretely followed them back to their hotel (yay for stalking) and jumped into a lift with Faris, the frontman. This is the result.



    Later on that night my friends and I were at the secret Mint Chicks gig I talked about before in a hot-boxed, sauna-temperature volcano rock tunnel which was fucking incredible.



    Then we saw The Horrors there and chatted for about an hour. Nice guys. Excuse the, ahem, rather interesting photos. Put it down to a mixture of vodka and second-hand high.









    Oh, and their show at Big Day Out the next day was amazing too for those who didn't see it :happy:

  6. hey dude, how ya been.


    ive never heard of half those bands.


    I've been really good. Just getting pumped for leaving Wednesday morning for Auckland :D. And yeah, they're all kind of in the indie/noise/pop vein so they might not be your thing. I like them all quite a lot though.


    Neither. Would be a fantastic place for live music though, but I'm working that night. :(


    Yeah, I'm thinking it's going to look/sound pretty excellent.


    i've heard of the nevernudes, think they might be at camp the weekend after.


    Yeah, I believe they're playing Campus A Low Hum (assuming that's what you mean), Bandicoot are as well.

  7. Hey Gunner, glad you found your way outta Kit & Tab :chuckle:


    I would be sooooo keen to see The Mint Chicks. They're my favourite "dance around like a crazy guy on speed" band. I'm not in the area though :(


    Haha, I don't really inhabit Kit & Tab much so more. In fact I don't post so often these days, just occasionally in Banter and Other Bands. And that's a shame, I'm pretty excited about this, I'm sure it'll sound amazing in the tunnels! :D

  8. +1 for Bliss.


    Also, if anybody needs something to do on the 14th and is a fan of The Mint Chicks, Nevernudes, Bandicoot and Rifles, there's a 'secret show' going down in the tunnels at North Head out at Devenport. Will probably be amazing.


    Oh, and this is probably my first post in here for about half a year. Hello all :happy:

  9. "If Nirvana, Sonic Youth, The Cure, Smashing Pumpkins and an alcoholic crack-whore made a baby and the baby started to cry, that crying noise would sound a lot like Mister Pink."


    If you like distortion, noise and pedals mixed with pop sensibilities you should have a listen.


    Our ReverbNation profile is here (you can download our song 'I Hate You' for free).


    Or you can Facebook befriend us here.

  10. OK so here's my band's new (and very incomplete) Bebo page. It's fairly lulzy.


    There's one song (I use that term very loosely) up there - Sunshine and Flowers. Just me and the bassist fucking around one evening.


    A very radio-friendly, catchy tune inspired by the likes of Aphex Twin and Nine Inch Nails.


    All instruments and vocals were recorded in one take with the song taking around 20 minutes to complete. The inspirational lyrics were improvised in a compelling vocal performance by Donald Gunn.



  11. We got through! Second highest mark out of the whole event this year! Wooop!


    Semi finals on 25th April! Who's coming!


    Sheffield tomorrow!


    And this week we find out what day were playing for Glastonbudget!


    Stay tuned! :D


    Yay! I'd come if I wasn't on the other side of the earth. Guess I'll just have to wait for the world tour ;)

  12. I want to get more into electronic music beats and synths.


    Any recommended tips or programs i should download?


    Anyone here worked much with drum machines?


    You should download the free trial of Acoustica Beatcraft and have a play with that. Lots of fun, easy to use and it'll teach you some of the basics. I'm using a free drum program called Hammerhead Rhythm Station at the moment, which is fun but somewhat restrictive.


    I'm sure there's plenty of people here with much more knowledge than me on these things ;)

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