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Posts posted by DarylR

  1. Hi,


    I'm going to try for tickets for the Emirates tomorrow, but try as I might I can't find a seating plan for the gig. Does anyone know what the seating is like ? I'm disabled (although I can walk unaided) and not good with heights so would prefer the lower tiers.


    Any advice would be great.



  2. I'm in shock, :eek: I've just had an email from the boys manager apologising for the lack of disabled seating at the Barrowlands. The boys have sent their apologies, and sent their best wishes to me as I was in a lot of pain as I had to stand all the way through the gig.

  3. Thank you. I'm in two minds, either I can get in the queue early to secure a place at the front / near the front or I can meet them and then queue and be further back. Ahhh decisions!?!?!


    I didn't have to worry about queuing as I was disabled, and was told all I needed to do was tell them my name, and they let me straight in after they swiped my card. Do you have a friend who could help you keep your place in the queue for you ? while you nip off to try and meet them ?

  4. Awesome! Thank you so much for the info! I'll follow the same procedure at Brighton on Monday!


    I think if you wait from 3.30/4pm onwards, you will have a good chance of catching them arrive to do their sound check.

    Good luck, I hope you get to meet them. I'm over the moon, I never expected it and after being a fan for many years. It made the gig even more special :).

  5. That's so cool. What time did they roughly show up? Also, did they interact with the people in the queue or did you meet them while not queuing?


    I reckon they showed up after 5pm, although I get the impression they were running late as security looked stressed. I waited at the stage door with a small crowd, when they arrived they came in separate cars. Matt, Chris & Dom were happy to stop and sign things and get selfies with fans, they were really good. We were warned by their manager it was up to them if they wanted to or not just before they arrived :).

  6. I am so excited and nervous about Newport on Thursday, I feel like I'm going to burst into tears.:'( I am a relatively new fan so I've only seen them once, at the Emirates Stadium in May, 2013. As I use a wheelchair, I couldn't buy tickets during the presale. I contacted The Emirates about a wheelchair space. They wouldn't let me have one initially because I wasn't in receipt of Disabilty Living Allowance. I didn't claim it because, at the time, I didn't need the money, so I had to pay £50 to get a letter from my GP saying that I am genuinely disabled. It took me a week to get an appointment to see my GP and it was another week before my tickets came through. I wasn't out any money in the end as my companion's ticket was free, but all the best spaces had gone. :( This time I decided to buy a regular seat. I am lucky my legs are not paralysed so I can get out of the wheelchair and sit in a normal seat. The Newport Centre has been wonderful and have told me I can come in early so I can be sure of a seat. :)


    I hope you have a better experience than we did, last night. We arrived to find that the disabled platform had been commandeered by a camera rigged up to film the gig so our seats were on the floor. We couldn't see the stage or anyone on it because of the crowd in front of us, we had to move our seats to the very back, and stand for the entire night. Since I suffer from spinal arthritis & stroke pain I wasn't too happy as I was in a lot of pain throughout.


    Enjoy the gig on Thursday, they were fab ! :)

  7. This makes me so excited for Brighton on Monday! How did you meet them?! My goal in life has always been to meet Matt!


    I arrived early to do a recce, as I've never been to the Barrowlands before. I got talking to a nice young lady, and decided to hang around for a while as they were due to arrive.

    After 3.5 hours, they finally arrived, and I met Matt, Chris, & Dom :). Matt took my selfie with my phone :D, and got a pic with Chris too.:stongue he's lush up close. They signed an album cover for me too, which the young lady gave me since I didn't have anything with me. She was lovely, and it was really nice of her to do that.


  8. My girlfriend is disabled, so we'll be up the back as well! Feel free to say hi, I'll be the one covered in tattoos and smiling a lot, is my general demeanour :)


    Will do 😃, I'll be the nervous looking lady wearing a white t & leather jacket, lol.

  9. Hi,

    I've been trying to get tickets for the Barras with my presale code but reckon it's sold out now :(. Do you think it's worth a try tomorrow ? seeing as I'm disabled, I thought of phoning them up about a seat, as I can't stand for long.



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