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Everything posted by InsertCreativeNameHere

  1. Yep :happy: Lyrics are very personal to me, coudn't get along without em, I know it sounds gay but I really coudn't :LOL:

  2. No, it takes a while to develop an obsession. And I'm still listening to Radiohead loads so it probably won't develop :p

  3. Everybody's getting colds :(. I tryed to have an early night, like really early went to bed at like 9:15 but coudn't sleep, then I listened to OK Computer and was gonna come on but decided not to, as it was like half 11 by the stage. Incubus are a very, very good band :yesey:

  4. Aww*hugs*. Was alright, bit boring really. But I am actually feeling really good :happy:. Oh and btw you need to listen to that Incubus album, Light Grenades. Its amazing :happy:

  5. Still in bed ya lazy git? :p

  6. Incubus - Light Grenades was the album I got. Its really good. Hmm can't really describe it and google images isn't coming up with anything similair. Its like dark brown with lots of pockets and button over the zip. Its better than my Lonsdale one lol.

  7. I tryed to go golfin but ended up not going, went shopping instead. Got myself some muziks a DVD and a rather nice jacket :happy:

  8. Ya mum.


    Yeh, I'm alright thanks, you? What you been up to?

  9. I know you didn't *hugs* Yep, English is my best subject yet I got a higher grade in Psychology lol. Thanks :happy: Anyway I best set off, see ya later :kiss:

  10. :( Okay mum :LOL: A Levels English and Psychology are my main ones, got them both today. They've changed the timetables though so now we have some 2 hour lessons, its way too long to be sat in a classroom :(.
  11. I know I have to really, I just really can't be bothered :LOL:

  12. Awesome :happy: Any particular reason? ;)


    I'm okay thanks, cba to do anything though. I gotta go to college in an hour, I'm very tempted to stay at home lol.

  13. :kiss: You feeling a bit better these days?
  14. Any slap is that kind to me :p

  15. I'm sick o' this pokin


    *jabs in ribs*

  16. I was doing something, and no not that before you say. I was making a "pissed off" playlist on my iTunes :happy:

  17. Never heard of The Labyrinth :LOL:


    :noey: I hate when people do that. Stereotype.

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