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Posts posted by altrocker1807

  1. LoL at the video store

    RIGHT when i finished paying for my movies, Supermassive Black Hole comes on.

    So I took my sweet time baby-stepping from the register counter to the door (which is like...4 feet apart). The manager saw me and he asked if I needed help with anything else...:D


    But I only got it through to the instrumental break, because it got embarassing afterwards. :LOL:

  2. Just had one from my nap earlier this afternoon. :p


    My friends were helping me out with prom b/c I was bummed about not having a date to go with. They picked out my dress, shoes, hair, jewelry, makeup, and flowers. I ended up looking like Laney from "She's All That" (but my dress was a silky burgundy-ish wine color instead). Prom was located in this beautiful theater auditorium place in Long Beach (theater's probably non-existent; I totally made it up in my head :LOL: ). We go inside and I was looking for the blind prom date that my friends set me up with. That person turned out to be DOM, but he looked more like a car mechanic (uniform, grease marks, and all!!) rather than a suave prom date. :LOL: Dom didn't look too thrilled amongst Matt, Chris, and other guys, because my friends payed him to be my date (:$), but once he saw me he eased up and became quite the gentleman he is. :D This slow swing jazz song comes up and we started to dance. Eeek and we were clooose! ;) But I messed up on some of the steps, and we stopped so that Dom could teach me how to dance.


    BUT THEN I WOKE UP. :mad:


    BTW: My actual senior prom experience sucked. I never got a date, some girl fucking had the same stand-out dress as I did (which TOTALLY defeated my purpose in having a unique dress like no one else's!), the Long Beach venue that held our prom was cruddy, my friends were busy having their own prom nights, and I never danced with Dom (let alone ever met him my lifetime so far!). :LOL::(

  3. LoL since the concert on Friday, I've had "Feeling Good" stuck in my head non-stop so far.


    Last night, I dreamt that I was on stage and Matt was playing "Feeling Good" on the piano, and the lights shined down on him right after the chorus section of the song. Before I said a word, I guess I got too excited about the dream, and so I woke up. And I couldn't go back to sleep! :(

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