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Posts posted by Microfuzz

  1. I've already posted this dream in other boards, but it's worth another.

    Muse were supporting some shit band at my school. They were in my little gym, so they played acoustically. I thought it was genius, but no one else really appreciated it. I had sprained my ankle earlier, so I had a bag of frozen peas with me. Anyways, after they played I wanted to meet them. I met dom and chris inside, but matt was just leaving the gym to go outside... so I followed him :cool:. I got outside and looked around. Matt was trying to hide behind the door... He had this mischievious look on his face, thinking he was so clever, but the door was glass so i saw him :LOL:.

    Anyways, I said "hey matt, good show" to which he replied, "oh yeah, thanks, cheers."

    I paused for a minute thinking of what to do. So for some reason I yelled "THINK FAST!" and biffed the bag of frozn peas at him. It hit in the face and he freaked out :mad::'(. he was bleeding and crying! I felt terribly so I said ":$Matt... are you alright?" he then said, "FUCK OFF" and I woke up.

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