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Status Updates posted by allypap

  1. Uni is good, sorting out other random things at the moment, like year abroad and various other issues... Seem to have finally adjusted to living in a proper house now, was well weird moving out of halls. Weather hasn't improved though... How's the job? I hear you're a techie in a school now?

  2. Hi. 5 days :D :D :D Anyway... I thought we should probably sort out what we're doing on Tuesday as it's getting closer (SOOO CLOSE!) So if you wanna add me on facebook at /tomwatts90, then we can discuss and stuff... :D Tom x

  3. Hey. Thought I should let you know, I can't remember if i did in our convo the other day, I actually have the tickets here, so we've not got to worry about them being despatched/being victims of the postal strike in england etc :) Tom x

  4. Oh. Er... no, not yet. Thing is I was kinda waiting for more people to join, like 5 seems a small number of people to be singing in the middle of a city lol. And I have to go on holiday in like a week, so I'm not sure what I can do :( I really wanna participate though, I just think I'm not really in the best position to be organiser lol.

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