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Posts posted by hysteria87

  1. I'm Mandy and I've been a Muser since 2006. One of my best friends in school got really into AFI right around the time I got into Muse, so we had a lot of exchanges. I graduated Uni in 09 with a degree in film, because I was optimistic that I would have a job and then real life kicked me in the head :LOL: Right now I write a lot.


    Besides Muse, Incubus are my favorite band and I have an Incubus tattoo across my back. My Muse tattoo will be joining it as soon as I get some money.

  2. Great advice, everyone. I've had a pretty tame time at Muse gigs, to say the least. Worst pit was Fall Out Boy (lol) but that was a perfect storm of drunk frat boys and 14 year old girls who had never been in a pit and wanted Pete Wentz.


    The best thing my group did was bring a big box of pop tarts. 1 box will work for a group of 3-4 and any that are left over, send them up the line. Packaged food is great. Sharing is caring, especially when sitting in line for 6+ hours.

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