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Milky Joe

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Posts posted by Milky Joe

  1. One of the most real and vivid dreams I ever had, I was at Matt's flat talking about what setlist they were going to play later :D.


    However, he had to stop for a while and told me to wait with his other "friends" who were just twats, and one took out a grenade and threw it behind a TV. The explosion didn't hurt anyone, but the TV was in pieces, and I looked at my foot and there was a thick shard of metal that had entered my toe and come out of my heel :eek:


    Sorry those who sicken easily :(:p

  2. Me.


    Seriously. Most remixers have probably only ever heard the track a few times whereas I would have been listening to track x or y for years, so I'd have a better understanding of the choon and would therefore know how best to remix it.




    Do you have remixing software?

  3. After all these people saying Invincible is crap (me being one of them) how can it be underrated. Considering how so many people don't like it, if anything it is overrated (being a single).


    It depends on what you mean by underrated.


    By the way. No hard feelings, everyone has their own opinions and I think it's great that you like it and that you will enjoy it when they overplay it live, I just think it's annoying.

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