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Posts posted by bellamyspiano

  1. We had one guy last year, we called him Jolly Green cause he was huge (I am sure he's on here, he was quite and sweet) and we saw him at every gig until we knew each other. He wouldn't budge though, not even after a few weeks. Managed to get at the side of him once though so we were all happy :LOL:

  2. I'm sorry, but I think your reaction was a little rude there.


    And you know what, if someone said to me, "I'm really sorry, but is it okay if I slip in front of you?" I probably wouldn't mind. If someone says to me, "Do you mind moving?" then no chance. There is asking, and there is asking politely, and asking someone else if they mind moving is not asking politely.




    Was not meaning to be rude, I hate confrontation. And "I'm really sorry, but is it okay if I slip in front of you?" - that's how I would ask. I am very polite and would not want to offend anyone, truth!

  3. We're going round in circles here. People just made a point that it should be first come first served. End of. But as usual people have to uber defensive


    Excuse me? I am trying to be polite about this situation as I see both sides. But there is no 'end of' here. Your word goes, does it? I completely respect the first come first served, as I stated in all my posts, but I do NOT appreciate being told to shut up.

  4. I guess it depends on the gig. In Liverpool and Sheffield loads pushed in front and we got nothing in return from security, which was quite disappointing after queing for so long.


    The only reason I was being so defensive was because I felt my friend was being attacked with certain comments, so yes, I will come on and put up my fists :LOL:

  5. Cheers guys. Yeah, I have often told security, but they don't really give a shit, do they? I usually receive a blank stare or a shrug cause everyone 'is in the same boat'. If I see a tall person in front I will try and ask them if they mind moving, see where that gets me. Usually I will try and shuffle in at the side of them, without pissing anyone else off in the process lol


    As for those comments back there, they were not very nice, far beyond a healthy debate, which is completely cool. So you get tired of people moaning about something, no need to be that way. Just ignore them or be diplomatic in your response, surely? They were rather mocking in the way they were written, especially the one about the the church and being commited to the ground. There is just no need.

  6. I appreciate the fact that it's first come first served, but we shorter people do queue very early too. I have been at the front of the queue since 8am in the bloody morning and still had someone much stronger and bigger than me push in front, so please do not make it sound that simple. If we all got there early, we'd ALL be at the front. Impossible, of course.


    As for the comments on the past two pages, they are very much uncalled for. Telling someone to stfu IS extremely rude, especially when the majority of this board complains about something or other all the time. It's like you can't have a voice.


    We get it. We deal. Stop ganging up and bullying with your snide remarks. It's pretty disgusting and shocking.

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