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Posts posted by lostkiwibird

  1. Hey Michelle, Richard, other peeps I know from November 07. Its that time again. I am dithering over Auckland-Gold Coast or Auckland-Sydney. I am glad there's a couple other things I like on the line up, otherwise I probably couldn't justify going. They better play for 90 minutes or I will be pissed. I've never been to a BDO but i've heard it can be a bit shit :$

  2. I heard Apocalypse Please in the background of some announcement on how cool the Army is and how you should join on the radio.




    That's just wrong on so many levels. Someone on Muselive mentioned a TV channel using Map of the Problematique in a 'we are awesome' Israeli army montage of Gaza as well. Pisses me off :mad:

  3. The randomest place I heard Muse was in a shopping mall in South Africa, I was like 'noooooooo, now Muse are Muzak' :eek:

    Another random place was a border post between South Africa and Botswana, the garage attendant had Virgin Radio on Worldspan, that was very odd, in the middle of Africa with like goats wandering around and stuff :erm:

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