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  • Location
    Orion's Belt
  • Interests
    Reading, writing, listening to music.
  • Favourite Bands
    Bands:Sigur Ròs, Doves, Radiohead, System Of A Down, dredg.
    Singers:Jeff Buckley, Patrick Wolf, Rufus Wainwright, Nick Drake, Björk
  • Favourite Films
    Trainspotting, Spirited Away, The Truman Show
  • Favourite Books
    High Fidelity.
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, OOS,Hullabaloo Soundtrack, Absolution (with booklet errors), BHAR,The Resistance (with DVD), The 2nd Law (with DVD)
    DVDs:Hullabaloo, Absolution Tour, H.A.A.R.P., Live at Rome
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending

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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. Well, I don't mind either, and i always say yes. (Just like I always tend to say yes to people when they ask me if I could work for them instead <_<) and when you're doing what you've promissed, you sometimes question if it was okay to do it, since you have so little time and have to do so much, while helping those people takes lots of time of that precious time. But I don't really mind it afterwards, cuz when they are happy, so am I ^_^

    I remember quite a lot to of the lectures given. But not all of it. And I tend to learn all of it the day before, while the teachers told us to learn it straight away :LOL: And sometimes, like now, i wonder if I'm learning well enough. Some points I refuse to really learn (sothat i can spitt it out on paper when needed), because it's an ABCD test and because I do understand what is said in the text completely, I think I will recognise the right answer. Therefore I only learn the hard parts of it. Words that are new for me, or get a new explaination. But things like what Generative Grammatics are, want and how they get there I don't really learn. I just read it a few times and hope it somehow sticks in my mind. I hope that that is good enough.

    Yeah I do understand him. It would be like RATM indeed having kept the same bandname with Chris Cornell (which they indeed first intended to do). But happily they didn't And now I can just say: I prefere RATM above Audioslave. Audioslave is good, but RATM is better ^_^ In my opinion at least.

    BTW, on this dutch DW fanforum we have this topic called: you know when you've been too much into Doctor Who when... And I said: when you close your conversations with one particular person with: May the master be with you and behave himself. (I bed you're having a Déja Vu :LOL: ) And they thought it to be very funny. :p

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