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Personal Information

  • Location
    Orion's Belt
  • Interests
    Reading, writing, listening to music.
  • Favourite Bands
    Bands:Sigur Ròs, Doves, Radiohead, System Of A Down, dredg.
    Singers:Jeff Buckley, Patrick Wolf, Rufus Wainwright, Nick Drake, Björk
  • Favourite Films
    Trainspotting, Spirited Away, The Truman Show
  • Favourite Books
    High Fidelity.
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, OOS,Hullabaloo Soundtrack, Absolution (with booklet errors), BHAR,The Resistance (with DVD), The 2nd Law (with DVD)
    DVDs:Hullabaloo, Absolution Tour, H.A.A.R.P., Live at Rome
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending

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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. Well, making my friends read is maybe not a good describtion of it. I have some friends that like writing themselves and/or love to read. And since they almost always share an interest where I base my story on (Carlisle Cullen, Johnny Depp ect.) they are willing to read it. And I like them to read it since they can help me; they can motivate me; they can advice me.

    One of my best friends does this out of habbit. She often laughs her ass of because I wrote something a little weird. And then she lets her mom read it resulting me to feel completely ashamed because I didn't notice that the line was that bad :LOL: (Often I mean something, but she as an critical reader sees an other meaning in them).

    And yeah, maybe it's a little like: read me, read me!


    I have trouble finishing my stories too XD I was writing on a story called Morgendauw (Morningdew in english). It was about a girl/lady waking up from coma and lacking her memory. The first person she sees is a 'Carlisle' like person, however no vampire happily XD And the girl discovers she posseses powers like levitation and supersensitive ears or mindreading. And her doctor knows more about her than he reveals; about the 'accident' she's been in. But I was struggling with some emotion/action in the story I didn't like and never wrote on it again.


    Haha, yeah wrote the script (including camera positions). I played Morton Rainey. It looked really weird XD And the stupid thing was that when I was wearing my glasses; and the morning coat and stuff. I was looking very bad (for my role ofcourse) and then there came a visitor. And we kept recording and that girl kept watching XD Which made me laugh and feel ashamed at the same time XD

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