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  • Location
    Orion's Belt
  • Interests
    Reading, writing, listening to music.
  • Favourite Bands
    Bands:Sigur Ròs, Doves, Radiohead, System Of A Down, dredg.
    Singers:Jeff Buckley, Patrick Wolf, Rufus Wainwright, Nick Drake, Björk
  • Favourite Films
    Trainspotting, Spirited Away, The Truman Show
  • Favourite Books
    High Fidelity.
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, OOS,Hullabaloo Soundtrack, Absolution (with booklet errors), BHAR,The Resistance (with DVD), The 2nd Law (with DVD)
    DVDs:Hullabaloo, Absolution Tour, H.A.A.R.P., Live at Rome
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending

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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. Ooooh. Well, I kinda can imagine. Because in 2008 RATM came to Pinkpop. I wanted to go so badly! I was allowed to go under one curcomstance: 3 friends of yours have to join you in going! Well... only one freaking friend wanted to join me! (Who's now goingto join me in Muse). The others were like: I can't because I'm not allowed (states one who was freaking 18 years old and doesn't even listen to her father anyway). The other said: I don't even like the music they play at festivals! So why should I join you? Ugh... at times like that I can almost literally shoot people XD (well... not to literally. Maybe pointing my finger towards their heads and say: Poef!) But yeah... I was pretty jealous at the people of my school who showed up with Pinkpop Tshirts the day after the concert XD Really at times like that I do hate that almost nobody around likes the music I like.

    But your case sucks pretty hard too! I would faint if Muse or RATM would play in my city! I dreamed about it though, because they tested our footballstadium for a concert. (Guus Meeuwis, Dutch singer. I hate his music. But since we live pretty near the damn thing it was kinda noisy. We could just sing a long if we wanted to.) But it would be damn cool if Muse would play there once! Unless I can't get the ticket. Then I just have to get out of my place before I go nuts.


    Haha. My friends got annoyed by me three years ago, because I didn't know any of the lines of the songs they played while we were biking towards our small holiday. (We were camping and got there by bike. About 30 km I guess. It was pretty cool :D However one of them started to dislike us for biking this much. A friend and I started singing This song from PotC 3 (the boy singing). I used to impressionate Gibbs with his Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum XD)


    It is sad they are not really like, around, those fans. I did find some boys liking RATM though. One has been my former boyfriend. Another had been a 'loveinterest' but he moved away for his education, sadly.

    But I really like the thing that you meet people all over the world. I wish to meet some of them when I'm older.

    The funny, ironic thing is that I go to Denmark at summerholidays a lot. And we were near a bridge last time (or the time before). We could see it from our holidayhouse. After two weeks I went home and got online. I started talking with this Danish guy I know because of RATM. And guess what? He lived behind this bridge! I could hit myself so hard when I realised that XD We were able to meet for once and then we don't know that we are both there!

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