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Personal Information

  • Location
    Orion's Belt
  • Interests
    Reading, writing, listening to music.
  • Favourite Bands
    Bands:Sigur Ròs, Doves, Radiohead, System Of A Down, dredg.
    Singers:Jeff Buckley, Patrick Wolf, Rufus Wainwright, Nick Drake, Björk
  • Favourite Films
    Trainspotting, Spirited Away, The Truman Show
  • Favourite Books
    High Fidelity.
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, OOS,Hullabaloo Soundtrack, Absolution (with booklet errors), BHAR,The Resistance (with DVD), The 2nd Law (with DVD)
    DVDs:Hullabaloo, Absolution Tour, H.A.A.R.P., Live at Rome
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending

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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. Haha, awesome. Not a lot of choices to use, though. And funny how they add Naruto XD. And how they do add Trunks, while he was only there for a few sagas in the anime, but they do not add Gohan. And the person you had to dress up made me think of Ten. I love how they also add Turtles in the game (character in one of the DBZ VHS I own. Since I'm back in the DBZ mood I would love to watch those videos again, but I have no clue how, since we do not have a fuctioning VHS player at home anymore. Damn XD)

    I'll look them up! Both the book and the music ^_^ When I find them and listen/read them, I'll tell you how I think of them, keys? ;)

    I love to link things. Especially in titles. Or at least I did it once and fell in love with the 'cleverness' of the title, so I try to this more often. I don't like the titles like Morningdew anymore, because they tell you nothing. And I also called a story Township Rebellion, after a song of RATM, but again; it doesn't tell you a thing.

    The title of my Muse story reveals something, but doesn't become clear untill you're reading the story and ended up reading the climax.

    Owh Gawd! Tokio Hotel XD First my story tells way to much about Muse, because the band inspires me. Then I thought it could be related to 30 seconds to mars by readers because Matthew is called Jared (Leto, wasn't my intention to do so. I just used a site with babynames, so it wasn't inspired by Leto either.) And now you bring up Tokio Hotel! Gaaaaa!

    But I guess it's a good thing that people see different things in stories. 30 Seconds To Mars fans will think of their fav band, you will think of Tokio Hotel and MUSE XD

    But I myself think of Muse, however the characters start to get their own shape now. And the gaything formed when I randomnly thought: What if Dom wasn't gay, but just pretended to be? Why would he do that? How did people think it of him? How is he going to make sure that it will not effect his life, when he DOES find his love? And then the thoughts were more pointed to my own character Dylan.

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