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  • Location
    Orion's Belt
  • Interests
    Reading, writing, listening to music.
  • Favourite Bands
    Bands:Sigur Ròs, Doves, Radiohead, System Of A Down, dredg.
    Singers:Jeff Buckley, Patrick Wolf, Rufus Wainwright, Nick Drake, Björk
  • Favourite Films
    Trainspotting, Spirited Away, The Truman Show
  • Favourite Books
    High Fidelity.
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, OOS,Hullabaloo Soundtrack, Absolution (with booklet errors), BHAR,The Resistance (with DVD), The 2nd Law (with DVD)
    DVDs:Hullabaloo, Absolution Tour, H.A.A.R.P., Live at Rome
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending

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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. My dad dislikes Matthew's voice, his comments make me laugh. Like he also does when my mom and I watch Ghost Whisperer. He claims it's überamerican sentiment. And he was commenting things like that enduring the whole show. At some point he was like: 'Oooh how, sad -sarcastic cough- I think I've got to cry!' Then he looked at me (I was about to explode in laughter) next he looked at my mom. He was like: 'Oooooh NOOOOo You Are Crying!' o_O

    Now not only I, his daughter was addicted to this 'american sentiment' but now he also found his own wife guilty XD

    I really hope I will manage to get those tickets! I really hope it won't be that difficult as in my worst case scenario

    Haha, no I'm not a gamer at all (my lil' bro tries to get me to play DBZ games with him, because he shares the my dbzfandom; just like he does with Twilight. You are not going to believe this; but my brother is around 15 and claimed Twilight to be stupid. But then he was bored and descided to watch the movie online. And he was like: damn, I don't like when my sis is right! And now I just got the books; finally! And I started reading New Moon (haven't seen any Muse reverence yet). I read them in english; less expensive, Breaking Dawn was available and the original language is better, since the translator lacks a lot in the latest translation: Eclipse. And my brother came to my room yesterday. Can I borrow New Moon (1. he's no reader AT ALL 2. Why wouldn't he have problems with the fact it was in English if he hated reading in Dutch already?! 3. what a lame excuse saying that it was to prepare himself for a english monologue for school. XD )

    Going back on topic: I'm not sure if counter was even the right word XD I thought so, but I'm not sure. It's in the supermarket. I *bleep* things XD (no, this really makes sense, right?) I'm the one scanning the products and receiving the costumers' money. (And sadly enough, not keeping it )


    And about Twilight; when I was doing those Mary Sue tests after your comment on my summary, I was like: OMG! Edward is a Gary Stue god! And I don't quite understand Bella at times. And I don't like the actors at all in the movie. (Except; Charlie, Jasper, Alice and Carlisle. Carlisle is my fav)


    Atm I'm reading New Moon, after a wait from december till the beginning of May. (The books had to come from England. But hey, how long a trip from england to the netherlands should take? In my case I guess the books had a Hollandfobia )


    (woops, I guess I chatted waaaaaaaay to much XD)

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