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Status Updates posted by Shizugatake

  1. We all fear the unknown :supersad: but I guess the moments just before you meet all those new people/places/situations will be more awkward/frighting than it actually happening - or so I hope :LOL: - If not, you can always find comfort at the muse boards :D( or meet interesting people around your uni off course )

  2. Oww, what about going to uni makes you sad :( Well, for me it would be missing all my friends here...

  3. I'm good, thanks :)

    Heading off to university in a couple of weeks, so trying to enjoy my last moments of the holiday.

    It's gonna be a wicked experience, that's for sure - but luckily I already know some people who are going to the same uni and even someone who's going to take the same courses : D


    Down side off all the university stuff ==> If Muse are planning to do a gig, it's gonna be a lot harder to attend it :(:p

  4. Hello new friend : )

    And the hullabaloo DVD is probably one of Muse finest releases!

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